1,400 signatures
Petition is addressed to: European Parliament
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Together, let's urge European Institutions to include a ban on fast fashion advertising in the European Green Deal to discourage unsustainable consumer behaviour. We also call for the endorsement of the Directive on Green Claims, which would mandate that all environmental claims be scientifically validated by independent third parties. Additionally, we advocate for defining fast fashion through regulations that limit brands to four collections per year and a maximum of three drops per collection. To curb overproduction, we propose that Member States enforce penalties on companies that exceed these limits.
Together, we can promote sustainable fashion and combat greenwashing.
In 2015, 63% of European brands released collections biannually, but by 2020, only 49% did, with 71% relying on at least four deliveries per year [1]. Brands now release new models at unprecedented rates, with some, like Shein, adding over 7,200 new models daily [2].This relentless push for new collections forces the fashion production model to massively overproduce, which generates substantial CO2 emissions and exacerbates poor working conditions in factories [3].
Fast fashion advertising drives consumption by creating urgency and desire through emotional triggers, leading to emotional obsolescence where clothes are discarded for being outdated rather than worn out [4]. Physical wear accounts for only 35% of a garment's end-of-life reasons [1], and fast fashion items are worn just 7 to 8 times before being discarded [1]. The frequent introduction of new styles, sometimes weekly, encourages overconsumption.
Furthermore, study shows greenwashing advertising influences consumer perceptions, leading them to accept these claims without scrutiny [5]. It perpetuates overconsumption and environmental damage, as people unknowingly contribute to climate change and pollution under the guise of supporting "sustainable" fashion [6].
If current purchasing trends persist, the fashion industry’s share of global greenhouse gas emissions could rise to 26% by 2050 [7].
The only response to fast fashion and consumerism driving climate change in the European Union has been from the French Parliament, which has adopted in 2024 legislation banning advertising for fast fashion brands and taxing low-cost, mass produced clothes [8].
Using France as a good example, we call on the European Institutions to ban the advertising for fast fashion brands across the European Union. Only through collective action can we reduce the devastating effects of consumerism within the textile industry.
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on 12 Aug 2024 -
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on 07 Aug 2024
La Fast Fashion est un fléau pour la nature et pour les gens qui travaillent dans ce secteur. Pollutions monstres, déchets par tonnes, intoxications...arrêtons immédiatement ces productions!
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Why people sign
Fast Fashion zerstört Böden, Umwelt, Gesundheit von Textilproduzent*innen, Baumwollbäuer*innen, alles leidet unter Fast Fashion, vom Anbau, über die chemische Färbung, nachbearbeitung, etc. bis hin zum Endprodukt, dass oft nach wenigen Monaten wieder im Müll landet, und mitverantwortlich für die rießigen Mülldeponien im globalen Süden sind. Fast Fashion ist verschwenderisch, ausbeuterisch und auf einem Planeten mit begrenzten Ressourcen, absolut nicht vertretbar.
Porque necesitamos reducir el sobre consumo de textiles, eliminar la explotación laboral, reducir al máximo los residuos, reducir los ingresos de las grandes corporaciones textiles, relocalizar la producción de ropa
Chce lepsza jakość ubrań, ograniczyć syntetyki, ograniczyć zaśmiecenie tekstyliami i wszechobecnymi reklamami. Chcę żebyśmy więcej uwagi przykładali do rzeczy ważnych już od wieku nastoletniego, zamiast do ubrań.
Perché non voglio più che il pianeta di disintegri per colpa della produzione di plastiche dei vestiti, ci sono già grossi problemi. Per di più li indossiamo...
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Protože je načase si kolektivně uvědomit jak rozsáhlým problémem fast fashion je.