
Citizens Demand the Protection of the Cycladic Identity from Irreversible Loss

Petitie is gericht aan
Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση, Δημοτικά Συμβούλια των Κυκλάδων
403 Ondersteunend
16% bereikt 2.500 voor collectiedoel
403 Ondersteunend
16% bereikt 2.500 voor collectiedoel
  1. Begonnen 17-7-2024
  2. Handtekeningenactie nog steeds > 8 weken
  3. Overdracht
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn gegevens worden opgeslagen. Ik bepaal wie mijn steun kan zien. Ik kan deze toestemming op elk moment intrekken .


I- We ask the Government:

֎ to ensure the immediate implementation of current legislation, the jurisprudence of the Council of State, and the existing "General Urban Plans" and "Spatial and Housing Organization of Open Cities". This includes:

  • monitoring building permits and conducting re-inspections as necessary;
  • preventing the unauthorised opening of new roads without permits and specifications.;
  • avoiding the destruction of walking paths.

֎ to restrict immediately the construction of new tourist accommodations, including:

  • repeal of special urban plans ESCHASE and ESCHADA (referred to as strategic plans) in the Cyclades and other islands
  • exclusion of tourist accommodations from strategic investments
  • prioritisation of subsidies for upgrading existing businesses and enhancing the tourism product by emphasising environmental, cultural, and productive resources.

֎ to drastically restrict the possibility of building swimming pools on islands plagued by drought and water scarcity due to overconsumption and the climate crisis by banning them in residences and hotel rooms, along with effective control of drilling.
֎ to limit the growth of new tourist accommodations instead of promoting them. This will help prevent the worsening of the problem caused by the continuous increase in the number of available tourist accommodations of all types. The increase in accommodations leads to higher tourist concentrations during peak seasons and puts additional strain on the already inadequate infrastructure in many islands. It is necessary to change our priorities and focus on improving infrastructure first.
֎ to transfer the resilience levy resources to the local government for the implementation of green infrastructure to enhance the resilience of islands.
֎ to support through funding programmes for projects related to the repair and upgrading of existing buildings as well as energy saving and energy efficiency improvement actions. The aim of this action is, in addition to the green transition, to ensure employment in the construction sector. At the same time, it is proposed that energy communities be strengthened to avoid large-scale renewable energy projects.
֎ to immediately fund a study to assess the islands' carrying capacity, examine whether they can withstand further tourism growth, and prepare a road map for their transition to a state of sustainable development before the completion of the local urban plans.

ΙΙ- We ask the Municipal Councils of the Cyclades:

The Network for Sustainable Cyclades asks the Municipal Councils of the Cyclades to take a stand on these issues and send a letter to the Government asking for their immediate implementation.

<< Download our text with 23 detailed technical proposals >>


Taking into account the recent resolution of the major Environmental Organizations regarding the problems created by building outside the settlement, the Network for Sustainable Cyclades points out that any relaxation of the situation and failure to take immediate measures to reverse it will lead to the definitive loss of the islands’ identity (morphology, scale, landscape) and degradation of their common property, endangering their development so far.

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From Mrs A Poly…
It is crucial that we take concerted efforts to protect the Cycladic from irreversible damage. Here are some key reasons why this is imperative:
1. Cultural Heritage and Historical Significance:
The Cycladic islands are a treasure trove of ancient history and cultural heritage. Home to iconic archaeological sites and artifacts dating back to the early Bronze Age, these islands provide invaluable insights into ancient civilizations. Overdevelopment and unchecked tourism threaten to erode this heritage, potentially destroying sites that have stood the test of millennia. Preserving the cultural legacy of the Cycladic islands is not just a local concern but a global responsibility.
2. Environmental Preservation:
The natural beauty of the Cycladic islands is characterized by pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and unique flora and fauna. Overdevelopment poses a severe risk to these delicate ecosystems. Mass tourism can lead to pollution, habitat destruction, and the depletion of natural resources, ultimately resulting in the loss of biodiversity. Protecting the environment ensures that the natural landscape remains unspoiled for future generations.
3. Sustainable Economic Growth:
While tourism is a significant contributor to the economy of the Cycladic islands, an over-reliance on mass tourism can have long-term negative impacts. Sustainable tourism practices can provide economic benefits while maintaining the integrity of the environment and local culture. This approach supports local businesses and communities, ensuring that the economic benefits of tourism are distributed equitably and sustainably.
4. Quality of Life for Local Communities:
The residents of the Cycladic islands have a right to maintain their quality of life without the pressures and disruptions caused by overdevelopment and excessive tourism. Overcrowding, increased cost of living, and the strain on local infrastructure can make daily life challenging for locals. Protecting the islands ensures that communities can thrive and maintain their traditions and way of life.
5. Global Example of Conservation:
By protecting the Cycladic islands, we set a precedent for other regions facing similar challenges. It demonstrates a commitment to balancing economic interests with environmental and cultural preservation. This can inspire and guide other areas worldwide to adopt sustainable practices, contributing to global efforts in conservation.

I have visited Mykonos for over 20 years and now have a home there and have been saddened by the ill considered and unregulated development and the consequent destruction of the character of so many of the beautiful beaches of this special island

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