Περιοχή: Πάρος

Emergency alert: Save our island's identity from irreversible overbuilding

Η αναφορά απευθύνεται σε
The Mayor of Paros Mr. Konstantinos Bizas, the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Paros, the Town Planning Department of Paros, the Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment, Members of the Cycladic Parliament

2.715 Υπογραφές

2.700 για τον στόχο της συλλογής

2.715 Υπογραφές

2.700 για τον στόχο της συλλογής
  1. Ξεκίνησε Ιουνίου 2024
  2. Συλλογή ακόμα 5 εβδομάδες
  3. Υποβολή
  4. Διαλόγο με τον παραλήπτη
  5. Απόφαση

Συμφωνώ ότι τα δεδομένα μου θα αποθηκευτούν . Εγώ αποφασίζω ποιος μπορεί να δει την υποστήριξή μου. Μπορώ να ανακαλέσω αυτήν τη συγκατάθεση ανά πάσα στιγμή .

Αυτή η αναφορά είναι επίσης διαθέσιμη σε Ελληνικά .

Η αναφορά απευθύνεται σε: The Mayor of Paros Mr. Konstantinos Bizas, the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Paros, the Town Planning Department of Paros, the Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment, Members of the Cycladic Parliament

Protect the identity of our island from anarchic overbuilding.

Overdevelopment is widely recognised by all academic and environmental bodies as the main threat to natural resources and the preservation of the Cycladic landscape. The main component of overbuilding is uncontrolled outside zoning areas construction, which, in overwhelming proportions, involves luxurious and environmentally unsustainable holiday homes.

The damage to the countryside is already enormous. Very soon, we will be at the point of no return. Now, more than ever, we must act to halt overbuilding until the new Local Spatial Plan is in place.

This resolution proposes the mildest possible formula so that Paros has a chance to exist as a place tomorrow. We call for the temporary suspension of the issuing of new building permits through the application of the jurisdiction of the Council of State, which sets specific and strict conditions for outside zoning areas building. At the same time, we call for the exemption of building permits for principal residences.
It is urgent and crucial to understand that extending 'business as usual' is no longer an option. If the current rate of building is maintained, in a matter of years, the situation will be so irreparably distressed that the implementation of the new Local Plan will no longer be of any value: there will be nothing left to save.

This is a call to action that we cannot ignore.

Specifically, we ask:
Α. That the Municipal Council decides that the Town Planning Department of Paros, will apply the juridiction of the Council of State, which from 2023 recalls that "off zoning area building in Greece has been prohibited since 1985, with the sole exception of parcels of land that have 25 meters of frontage on a legally existing road". This decision stresses that rural or forest roads cannot be understood as legally recognized roads and that the (pre-1923) old paths - are protected by the existing General Urban Plan.

Β. To request the Ministry to suspend the issuance of new permits in off zoning areas until the new Local Urban Plan of Paros is established. With the exception of building permits for primary residences and public utility buildings.

C. Demand the inactivation of the law on cave houses on Paros. They are not in keeping with the island's architectural tradition and cause enormous destruction. Also, close any window for the construction of swimming pools on the island (currently built as "water features") and provide incentives for the construction of water tanks for rainwater storage.

D. Staff the necessary City departments to conduct systematic inspections of construction activity on the island, not only before, but also after building and electrical permits are issued.

E. Not to allow any Private Urban Plan (of the type of ESHASE- Special Spatial Development Plans for Strategic Investments), "complex tourist accommodation" or other).

We also ask all the bodies responsible for the Cyclades, the local authorities and civil society to support this decision. What is happening in Paros has and will have consequences for the rest of the Cycladic islands. If Paros resists the alteration of its physiognomy and its unique Cycladic identity, it will set an excellent example for the rest of the islands. If not, the uncontrolled and destructive dynamics will rapidly spread to the rest of the Cycladic islands, large and small.


Paros, after twenty years of uncontrolled growth, is facing various deadlocks: great difficulties in waste management, threats to biodiversity and to the quality of life of the inhabitants, traffic problems, especially in the summer months, intense concern about the adequacy of water and the resilience of the island in the face of the dangers of the climate crisis.

Growing imbalances burden the island's social cohesion and productive life. The consequences are already being felt: overcrowding in the summer alternating with desolation in the winter, a burden on the inhabitants' daily lives, but also the predominance of large (usually 'external') interests and their choices over small, family businesses and the needs of Parian society. Along with the Parian land, the Parisians' right to have a say in their own land is ultimately 'sold'.
Unrestrained residential development, particularly in off-zoning areas, threatens agricultural land and makes it increasingly difficult to support the primary production necessary for the resilience, balance and preservation of the identity of our island, of which it is an integral part. It also permanently and profoundly alters the Parian landscape, depriving our island of precisely this natural dowry which has been preserved for millennia and has acted as a lever for tourism development.

This kind of "development" on our island must stop. And it must stop immediately because, at the current rate, in no more than a short time, the primaeval Parian landscape will have been altered to such an extent that any hope for rational and sustainable continuation will have been lost.

Paros can still choose another path for its future. It can be directed to another kind of development, based on soft tourism, i.e. small-scale tourism that ensures that the profitability from it is directed to the local communities and not to those who come to the island only to earn and leave, without regard to the needs of the local community. But if we are to have any hope of moving in this direction, the first and crucial step is to curb the building activity that is causing permanent and irreversible alteration of our place and condemning the island to a destructive one-way path.

The General Urban Plan of Paros, established in 2012 and including important protective provisions for the island, was unfortunately never implemented in all its aspects. Things have developed extremely badly over the last decade, pushing the island to the edge of the cliff. The forthcoming Local Planning Scheme will not be in place for several more years.

But in the meantime, building permits are being issued every day, while the number of houses on the island has already more than doubled in the last thirty years and if we include the volume of new buildings, the numbers are staggering: In 2019, 33,000 sqm were built on Paros, in 2023 66,000 sqm were built, and the rate of issuing building permits is constantly increasing. When in three or four years we will have the new Local Urban Plan, things for Paros will already be decided. We believe that this situation must be stopped immediately because it is causing irreversible damage to our island, depriving Paros forever of the special and sensitive characteristics of its island physiognomy.

We ask the Municipal Council of Paros to take action as soon as possible for the drastic restriction of off-zoning area building, by taking measures to stop it.
Signatures (in alphabetical order)


Σας ευχαριστούμε για την υποστήριξή σας, Κίνηση Πολιτών Πάρου , Πάρος
Ερώτηση προς τον εκκινητή

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Στοιχεία για το ψήφισμα

Η αναφορά ξεκίνησε: 20/06/2024
Η αναφορά τελειώνει: 30/04/2025
Περιοχή: Πάρος
Κατηγορία: Κατασκευές

Αυτή η αναφορά έχει μεταφραστεί στις ακόλουθες γλώσσες

Μετάφραση αυτής της αναφοράς τώρα

Νέα γλώσσα


  • Chers amis,

    Paros change - mais dans quelle direction ?
    Le plan local d'urbanisme (PLI) détermine l'avenir de notre île, notre qualité de vie, l'environnement et l'héritage que nous laisserons à nos enfants. Nous vous invitons à un atelier d'information et de discussion ouvert où nous découvrirons ce que le PLI signifie pour nous et comment nous pouvons influencer les développements.
    Votre présence...
    δείξε περισσότερα
    Chers amis,

    Paros change - mais dans quelle direction ?
    Le plan local d'urbanisme (PLI) détermine l'avenir de notre île, notre qualité de vie, l'environnement et l'héritage que nous laisserons à nos enfants. Nous vous invitons à un atelier d'information et de discussion ouvert où nous découvrirons ce que le PLI signifie pour nous et comment nous pouvons influencer les développements.
    Votre présence est importante !

    📍 Centre culturel Aggeria
    📅 Samedi 15 mars 2025
    🕢 Heure : 19:00
    📍 Salle NIREA, Naoussa
    📅 Dimanche 16 mars 2025
    🕢 Heure : 19:00

    Intervenants :
    - Maria Karamanof, vice-présidente du Conseil d'État et présidente de la Chambre de l'Environnement et de la Durabilité.
    - Eleni Maistrou, architecte, professeur émérite à l'Université technique nationale d'Athènes, présidente du Conseil du patrimoine architectural d'ELLET.
    - Monika Themou, urbaniste, vice-présidente du Conseil du cadre institutionnel de l'ELLET

  • Dear friends,

    Paros is changing - but in what direction?
    The Local Urban Plan (LUP) determines the future of our island, our quality of life, the environment and the heritage we will leave to our children. We invite you to an open information and discussion workshop where we will find out what the LUP means for us and how we can influence developments.
    Your presence is important!

    📍 Aggeria Cultural...
    δείξε περισσότερα
    Dear friends,

    Paros is changing - but in what direction?
    The Local Urban Plan (LUP) determines the future of our island, our quality of life, the environment and the heritage we will leave to our children. We invite you to an open information and discussion workshop where we will find out what the LUP means for us and how we can influence developments.
    Your presence is important!

    📍 Aggeria Cultural Centre
    📅 Saturday 15 March 2025
    🕢 Time: 19:00
    📍 NIREA Hall, Naoussa
    📅 Sunday 16 March 2025
    🕢 Time: 19:00

    • Maria Karamanof, Vice-President of the Council of State and President of the Chamber of Environment and Sustainability
    • Eleni Maistrou, Architect, Professor Emeritus at the National Technical University of Athens, President of the Architectural Heritage Council of ELLET
    • Monika Themou, Urban Planner, Vice President of the Council for the Institutional Framework of ELLET

  • Dear signers of this,

    As we mentioned in our previous communication, a group of Paros Citizens' Movement members decided to take a difficult but more effective step after realising that political pressure was not producing visible results. They have chosen to pursue legal action.

    The case has been assigned to the law firm Alivisatos-Kiosopoulou & Associates ( https://alivizatos-kiousopoulou.com/en/...
    δείξε περισσότερα
    Dear signers of this,

    As we mentioned in our previous communication, a group of Paros Citizens' Movement members decided to take a difficult but more effective step after realising that political pressure was not producing visible results. They have chosen to pursue legal action.

    The case has been assigned to the law firm Alivisatos-Kiosopoulou & Associates ( https://alivizatos-kiousopoulou.com/en/ ), which has a strong reputation in administrative law matters. This decision was made to achieve our objectives better; however, it also means that the financial cost of the trial is quite high. As a Citizens' Movement, we hope that the economic burden will not fall solely on the individuals who signed the petition for the annulment of the permit. These individuals have already taken on significant financial responsibilities and risks without any personal benefit from the trial's outcome. We kindly ask those who support the necessity of this trial to contribute whatever amount they can to help share the costs.

    For this purpose, please use the account of the FRIENDS OF PAROS & ANTIPAROS, to whom we extend our warmest thanks for openly expressing their support for implementing urban planning legality through legal means. When transferring your donation to their account, please indicate "legal action" as the reason for the transfer. Thank you!

    Alpha Bank
    IBAN : GR8101406250625002002002615
    Swift/Bic: CRBAGRAAXXX
    Beneficiary: Friends of Paros
    Reason: Legal Action


It's a shame what is going on in Paros. Look at the other famous tourist location around the world. its everywhere a disaster. the responsibility has the Municipality of Paros and the greek government. the character of Paros is changing every day. Water is life and this recourse will finish very soon.

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