Civil rights

Allow racial activist Tareeq Nasheed to enter the United Kingdom.

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Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

Petition is addressed to: UKVI

Allow racial activist Tareeq Nasheed to enter the United Kingdom. On 02/08/2019 racial activist and filmmaker Tareeq Nasheed was unjustifiably denied entry into UK by the government. They simply stated. "He is not conductive to the good of the UK". Which is an unsubstantiated claim as their is no evidence to suggest that the statement is true.

Therefore it is incredibly important that Tareeq Nasheed can indefinitely enter the United Kingdom in the year of 2020 due to continue his activism which is much needed in the UK.

Please also refer if you can to his article written by the Guardian for further clarification:


It is absolutely imperative especially now that Mr Nasheed is allowed to enter the United Kingdom as were are currently experiencing a racial uprising from the held collectives of black and ethnic minorities. Nasheed has demonstrated an overwhelming effort in eradicating systemic racism against black people as a collective. His presence is the UK has historically been felt and embraced by the black communities especially in London who have continually suffered at the hands of systematic racism as we are currently seeing the culmination of this in the current protests in the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd and many other deaths of black people worldwide.

It is very important that Nasheed as a filmmaker can use his platforms for content to make a better tomorrow for future generations. Black children especially need to be educated about the positive aspect of black history that way they can grow up and have a better understanding of themselves and where they stand in society having better racial interactions with others.Simply so we can help prevent the sickness of racism and racial tensions to build for further generations where we have situations like what we are currently experiencing. By contributing to this with your petition you will be making an active stand for that better future to come it is so very much needed. Lets not make history repeat itself.

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition started: 06/21/2020
Petition ends: 12/21/2020
Region: United Kingdom
Topic: Civil rights

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