
poisoned by gadolinium-containing MRI contrast agent => acknowledgment / alternatives!

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
European Parliament - Committee on Petitions

32 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

32 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2021
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: European Parliament - Committee on Petitions

The applicant claims that she was severely poisoned by gadolinium-based contrast media (GBCAs / named DOTAREM and OMNISCAN), which are / were sold in the European Union and used in medical MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examinations.
In particular, she claims that the drug was not excreted by the kidneys within one day, as stated in the instructions for use of the gadolinium-based contrast medium, but that 8 and 17 years after the drug was administered, specialist metal-toxicological laboratories determined that the gadolinium residues The amount that escapes through your 24-hour native urine is seven times higher than the expected level of healthy kidneys and the permissible limit values ​​of the German Federal Environment Agency - from which "adverse reactions" are to be feared.
She also states that with the initial administration of gadolinium, the following symptoms appeared for the first time, such as numbness on both sides of the fingers, later numb and burning skin pain that continues to this day, attacks of cold that have persisted to this day, distal extremity swelling, concentration problems, gastrointestinal problems, visible Gd brain deposits, as well as imperative lying down, prompt autoimmunopathies, fibroization, relapses of pain and since then a persistent feeling of burnout (the majority of the symptoms were documented by the neurology / endocrinology department of a university clinic).
These symptoms are described similarly by those affected around the world. The symptoms are currently being researched.
In the meantime, diagnostic criteria for "gadolinium deposit disease" (GDD) have been proposed by research groups. The health authorities refused to recognize this clinical picture.
According to specialist articles, the highly toxic, neurotoxic heavy metal gadolinium from the contrast media is increasingly getting into the environment and tap water via sewage, especially in large cities, where a high density of MRI machines can be found. Since this heavy metal crosses the placenta, its unborn child is unprotected (as a recent study concluded)
She demands that all measures be taken that are necessary to protect public health and thus the citizens from the administration of this highly toxic heavy metal.
It also calls for the development of safer imaging processes.
In addition, she calls on the health care system and the pharmaceutical lobby to give up their refusal and to regard heavy metals as the cause of disease (including Gd3 + toxicity). Heavy metals should not be part of medicines.
For you personally - as well as for all affected gadolinium deposition sufferers - she demands compensation from the manufacturer or at least the cost of detoxification therapy by the health insurance company, or placement in a special clinic, which removes the remaining gadolinium from your body


There are innumerable specialist articles in the PubMed medical database that prove the toxicity potential of gadolinium-containing contrast media (GBAC), as well as other popular scientific articles and television programs that deal with the health risk posed by these contrast media:
1) Symptoms of gadolinium poisoning1 =>
2) Symptoms of gadolinium poisoning2 =>üfung-mit-kontrast/
3) 2019, gadolinium was detected in beverages =>
4) Therapy of gadolinium deposition symptoms by a Swiss chelation doctor =>
5) Link to a Facebook self-help group, founded by Ms. Cornelia Mader =>
6) TV reports in the media library of SWR2 and NDR television that address the health risk posed by these contrast media (e.g. rounds, with the title: "Contrast media in MRI: How harmful is gadolinium?")
7) or an SWR2 TV report (June 7th, 2021, about the last 20 minutes, 3 individual cases / sick people report) => -become-dangerous-for-us / swrfernsehen-de / Y3JpZDovL3N3ci5kZS9hZXgvbzE0NzUyMzY /
8) American radiologist and pioneer in the treatment of a "gadolinium deposit disease" =>
9) general information on gadolinium intoxication / gadolinium deposit disease: =>

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Petition details

Petition started: 07/10/2021
Petition ends: 07/09/2022
Region: European Union
Topic: Health


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