
Make advertisements ear-friendly

Petition is directed to
European Committee on petitions
6 supporters
1% achieved 500 for collection target
6 supporters
1% achieved 500 for collection target
  1. Launched 15/05/2024
  2. Time remaining 6 weeks
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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Advertisements always appear to be much louder than whatever else you hear, be it in the cinema, the radio, streaming platforms,... as long as it has advertisements, they will be loud.
Not only does this affect our health, but also our moods.
I would like to have a ruling so that ads are not allowed to be louder than regular content we consume!


Apart from it being a nuisance to just about everyone i know, loud noises do affect our health, physically and mentally.
To minimize stress this would be an adequate first step.

Articles surrounding the topic:

European Parliament on the issue:

Thank you for your support, Andreas Koci from Wien
Question to the initiator

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