Foreign affairs

Give Japanese sake the same exemption from the EU Regulation on Packaging than wine and spirits

Petition is directed to
European Parliament
75 supporters

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

75 supporters

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched March 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

03/11/2024, 06:01

It seems official now, even if the law still has to be passed, but the EU has agreed at the last minute to include sake in the exemption already given to wine and spirits in the final draft regarding the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. Nikkei Asia and the Japanese Sake & Shochu Makers Association have both confirmed the information (and both are reliable sources), which is a relief to be honest.
It also means that the petition I started is now irrelevant and won't have to be sent to Brussels.

In the wake of these good news, i would like to thank you all for supporting this short-lived petition. We will still be able to enjoy sake within the EU in the years to come.

For those of you based in Estonia and Finland, I started last year the project Sake Calling, to educate people through tastings and events, and help promote and develop the sake industry in the region. If it's of any interest for you, feel free to get in touch at or (or the usual social media).

Thank you once again to everyone, and Kanpai!

Jerome Bronzini

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