Civil rights

To Prohibit holding both EU and Russian Federation citizenships

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Petition is addressed to
European Council

2,359 signatures

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2,359 signatures

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  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


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Russian citizenship

What about Narva in Estonia? 48% are Estonian citizens, 36% have a Russian passport and about 14% are so-called non-citizens who did not obtain Estonian citizenship following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Looking at Ukraine, one cannot talk about Estonia's complete security in the context of Russian citizenship.



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Russian nationals account for 45 percent of those who have acquired citizenship in EU countries using this route ( ‘golden passport’ schemes). In consideration of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Parliament also appealed EU countries to stop operating citizenship and residency by investment schemes for Russian nationals with immediate effect and to re-assess whether those who benefited in the past have links to the Putin regime.



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There are counterarguments of racism—Lavrov style. This petition only asks people to choose which value system they belong - to the world that professes genocide and murder as a way of self-defence or - to the civilised world. The only thing that is useful to take from this flow of consciousness distorted by Russian propaganda is that Europe needs to prohibit dual citizenship with all countries that are not members of the EU or are not in the integration process with the EU.



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A total of 595 out of 681 MEPs voted in favour of the report, signalling to the European Commission that it now must propose a way how to shut the door to elites who use countries like Malta to buy EU citizenship. I am sure that there were many Russian citizens who bought European passports. We need to stop this.



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Citizens of Europe must choose whether they want a Russian world or a European home. If the Russian world comes to the European house, there will be ashes in the place of this house. The Russian world is not capable of anything else.



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Today calls are already heard on Russian television - "not to stop at the borders of Ukraine." They want to restore their former greatness and restore the sphere of influence within the borders of the former USSR. Russia is an aggressor country. It uses its citizens as a weapon for reaching bloody aims. It has not ratified the dual citizenship agreement signed with the EU for more than 20 years. The time has come for the EU to change its attitude towards the zealous supporters and adherents of the "Russian world".



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Sooner or later, the Russian hungry and the wild beast will want to protect the Russians in Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Slovenia, Slovakia, and this list is endless. And then Russia will announce the denationalisation of these countries from their people. And it will be vacuum bombs and airstrikes on maternity hospitals to achieve its idiotic goal.



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Статья 32 Военной доктрины Российской Федерации Основные задачи Вооруженных Сил и других войск в мирное время: пункт к) защита граждан Российской Федерации за пределами Российской Федерации от вооруженного нападения на них;



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Статья 31 Военной доктрины Российской Федерации: 31. В целях защиты интересов Российской Федерации и ее граждан, поддержания международного мира и безопасности формирования Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации могут оперативно использоваться за пределами Российской Федерации в соответствии с общепризнанными принципами и нормами международного права, международными договорами Российской Федерации и федеральным законодательством.



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Статья 22 Военной доктрині Российской Федерации Российская Федерация считает правомерным применение Вооруженных Сил и других войск для отражения агрессии против нее и (или) ее союзников, поддержания (восстановления) мира по решению Совета Безопасности ООН, других структур коллективной безопасности, а также для обеспечения защиты своих граждан, находящихся за пределами Российской Федерации, в соответствии с общепризнанными принципами и нормами международного права и международными договорами Российской Федерации.



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Russian-Israeli oligarch Leonid Nevzlin announced that he plans to give up his Russian passport in protest of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Everything that Putin touches dies,” Nevzlin wrote in a Facebook post. “I am against the war. I am against the occupation. I am against the genocide of the Ukrainian people.”



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Justice Security

This petition is not against ethnic Russians. A lot of them are living in Ukraine and the EU now. Furthermore, its aim is not to forbid Russians from receiving EU passports. The only objective is to make impossible the situation when European citizens have obligations to a country that attacks another country. Russia supports aggression, war crimes and censorship that is impossible in the EU.So any Russian who did not support Putin's regime and did not participate in his crimes should be eligible to apply for a European passport after abandoning his Russian citizenship.



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It is a climax of hypocrisy: to attack Ukraine for its pro-European position and still consume goods that peaceful Europe has brought to us. What a shame! If you don't agree with your government -- protest; you have a chance to prevent this bloodbath.



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This "petition" looks like Russian "influence operation", designed to attack people with post-USSR background living in Europe (and who happen to be some of the staunchest supporters of Ukrainian independence and opponents of Putin's regime). It's unfortunate that a number of Ukrainians, including some media, fell for it. The author himself should be investigated for possible Russian connections.



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Украинцы, которые считают, что русский(-ая) = про-путинец, вы понимаете, что те русские, которые живут в ЕС, которые сейчас помогают вам деньгами, волонтерством, протестами и пр., будут видеть в вас именно тех, о ком говорит российская пропаганда? Подобные петиции только вредят украинскому народу, который хочет быть в ЕС. Я русская. Я, как и все люди на планете, не выбирала где мне родиться. Красить всех людей одной краской по месту их рождения, и принимая на этом основании против них дискриминационные законы, это и есть нацизм. Подумайте об этом, украинцы, поддерживающие эту инициативу.



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This seems to be discriminatory policy suggestion, why to single out Russian dual citizens, not Chinese of those of African nations living in Europe? How about Israel? There are many countries running war actions globally, is there a specific reason to single out Russia beside media being hysterical? War goes on 24/7 but no one is crying for Palestine.



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There’s legislation already in most EU countries that regulates cases when a person can lose citizenship by working or serving to another government. The author of the current petition is just an uneducated racist. and should be prosecuted accordingly.

Source: Racist petition


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People who are against this discriminating, unjust and unfair petition, don't stay silent. Write to the support team of this website and express your discontent with this initiative, and ask to remove it. This petition goes against terms and conditions on this platform as well, because it promotes discrimination against an ethnic group (Russians). Don't allow to make new Jews from Russians, who are held responsible for all miseries. Stand up for yourself and respond to such unacceptable initiatives, they don't belong in EU.

Source: Terms and conditions on this website


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Родился в Украине. Потом жил и учился в Москве. Мой сын родился в Москве и через 4 месяца мы уехали на Кипр. Живем здесь уже 35 лет. Есть кипрское гражданство. И вы хотите меня лишить всего этого? Я должен отвечать за чьи-то действия? Не считаете ли вы что это дикость? Ну тогда дети, внуки, правнуки должны отвечать за действия своих родителей. Вы уверены, что вы безгрешными окажетесь? Вместо того, чтобы сеять мир, вы сеет вражду и ненависть. Мир Украине и всем остальным!



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Dear initiators of this petition, I have informed openPetition team about this petition, which is clearly contradictory against European values of tolerance and democracy. It promotes discrimination against people with Russian origin, and considers them as second-rated EU citizens. This is absolutely unacceptable, and should be not tolerated. If this petition won't be removed though from the platform, I intent further to bring this to attention of various EU institutions.



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I'm a European citizen, namely, I'm Belgian. And I'm against such discrimitating laws, which promote hate, nazism and xenofobia. I'm against accepting into European Union, countries where population holds such medieval views. I think, we, European citizens, also should start a petition where we protest inclusion of countries with such discriminating values entering into EU.



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This petition itself is absolutely non-compatible with European values. People, whose idea it was to start this petition don't belong themselves in EU, because they lack even the most basic ideas of European society and laws.



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The proposal is dubious and hostile. It would have no other effect than making the already complicated life of millions of innocent expats harder. In Germany, such a ban would affect the Jews who arrived in 1990-2005 from Russia and have nothing to do with the war. These Jews are integrated into Germany and use the Russian passport to get the tiny and rightfully earned pension and see their beloved ones in Russia or their graves without a visa hassle they wouldn't be able to surmount. The hysterical ban would strip these Jews off their deserved small income and put them outside the society.



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That's a very emotional and meaningless petition. How are you going to prove if an old lady living in Portugal since last 20 years still has Russian citizenship? Will you contact Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs? Are you sure they will answer you correctly? Or will you force the lady to show you some "paper"? Do you know what it looks like?



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There are hypocritical people but many if not the majority is pro-Western. Why to punish someone who preferred not to fight but to leave, and perhaps has never travelled to Russia since then. He should at least have a choice which citizenship to renounce. Why to punish someone who repatriated as Polish, Romanian, Portuguese, Hungarian, German, Greek etc. There are so many nuances. I support Ukraine by the way.



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Я правильно понимаю, что некоторые украинцы, чья страна еще даже не вошла в ЕС, пытаются диктовать странам находящимся в ЕС (20 с лишним), каких именно граждан этих стран и как именно подвергать дискриминации, на основе их происхождения? Призывают к изменению законов и конституций этих стран в угоду Украине? Как это согласуется с европейскими ценностями, декларируемыми Украиной? В таком случае, как гражданка одной из стран ЕС, я буду протестовать против вхождения Украины с такими требованиями в ЕС. Также я буду просить Евро Комиссию против дискриминации и расизма расследовать эту петицию.



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Following logic of this petition, it brings the whole EU in danger of Russian military attack right now! Because this petition can be and should be seen as unseen and unprecendented discrimination against EU-Russian citizens. It should be stopped en removed from the platform immediately!

Source: The text of the petition


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This petition is created without considering all the barriers Russians may face by revoking their citizenship. There are countries in the world where revoking a citizenship is not foreseen by law. Russia can easily implement that. Secondly, I personally donated to the Ukrainian army which makes me a criminal in Russia which prevents me of revoking my citizenship according to the Russian law. What should I do then if such EU law will be applied? What if Russia will close all its embassies? Where can i revoke my citizenship then?



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The suggestion is absurd. There are no free appointments in certain Russian consulates; the official schedule has no free slots for this year (I checked myself today). There are demonstrations in front of certain consulates, making it difficult to enter without a risk to health. So getting rid of the Russian citizenship is difficult to impossible, especially for the elderly generation to which the majority of the dual-citizenship folks belongs to. Instead, we better protect this elder Russian generation: they live here many decades and are really not responsible for any of the modern events.



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When Russia attacks it does not care about passports - see Georgia in 2008. Even if people have no russian passport they make them have it. The only solution if the complete destruction of Putin's state and breaking it into many meaningless countries with transfer of nuclear weapons to USA control



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I am also an Estonian, but I was born in Russia. I have a citizenship of Russia by birth, and a passport of Estonia by ethnicity and "right of blood". I chose to live in the European Union, study here and help develop society here too. I am against the war with Ukraine, against Putin's Aggression, I went to rallies, supported Ukraine and plan to become a volunteer to help refugees. Deprive me of citizenship for being born in Russia even though I am not Russian? Everyone who lives in Europe, regardless of nationality, is ready to defend Europe. Including me.



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Are you going to change constitutions of all the 27 EU member states? In all EU member states constitution is stated citizenship cannot be revoked involuntarily. Are you going to implement Stalin-like methods to deport millions of people? Will it help Ukraine? Can you answer all these questions?

Source: nonsense petition


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I'm Estonian but was unlucky to be born in USSR, on the territory of modern Russia; active in democratic movement on 1980-90s; choose to leave for EU only when all hope was lost. Went to demonstrations in support of Ukraine, sent money to your army. Now, thanks to you, I'm going to lose my EU citizenship, unless I somehow restore the long forgotten Russian passport first, then go through the impossible procedure of denouncing it? I suspect you work for FSB, to stop help coming to Ukraine



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This is the type of a petition that for itself it is a fascism measure and inconstitional, doing this you are targeting the civil population and not the country, most of the russian citizens outside of russia went out from the country exactly because they are against putins regime and against his crazyness. I would tell you to create a petition to ban president putin and his family from be able to move freely inside of europe, for the putins resign and arrest. Doing this we are being the same as Putin, nor russian civilians, citizens, nor ukraine civilians have guilty Putins Actions.

Source: Stop this non sense petition


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If applied for those who have been living outside russia for many decades, this initiative would mostly hit putin haters. These people would immediately give up their russian passport and keep the EU one. However, this is not so easy and quick, and therefore not really workable. If yet enforced, this initiative would harm true supporters of the democracy without winning anything. In other words, this petition is contra-productive. The main target are and should be the oligarchs who are critical for putin's regime. Those are known and identified. Peace for Ukraine!



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By your logic it's enough for all double citizens to give up Russian citizenship to avoid Putin's invasion. But if you remember he invaded Crimea and Eastern Ukraine to protect "Russian-speaking minority”, not citizens. Shouldn't this petition target Russian language in this case?



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То есть выходит, что и любой представитель "элиты" или член его семьи может спокойно сказать, что выбирает Европейское гражданство и спокойно жить себе? Отличная идея.



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