53 Unterschriften
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Petition richtet sich an: The Federal Council, SNSF Board, swissuniversities, ETH Board
We urge immediate discontinuation of any research collaborations and partnerships with Russian institutions and their representatives. Examples include participation in joined projects (co)financed by Swiss government, institutions and companies, participation in scientific conferences in Switzerland, publishing in Swiss scientific journals, exchange visits of students and scientific personnel, participation of Russia in CERN.
The enacted measures can be elevated only after the complete withdrawal of Russian armed forces from the territory of Ukraine (including Crimea and Donbas regions), and after the fundamental change of the Russia’s political system.
[1] Representatives of Swiss universities and research institutions are kindly asked to leave their affiliation details in a separate form:
Switzerland and Swiss scientific community have condemned unjustified Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, that turned into a full scale war killing thousands of civillians every day. Mutliple examples of crimes against humanity are being documented. All major Swiss universities and research institutions have rapidly responded and published official statements criticizing aggressive actions of the Russian Federation and expressing support to Ukraine. We, individual scientists and students who have signed this letter,[1] join the protest against Russia’s assault on Ukraine and express solidarity with those affected by the war. We note, however, that Russian research institutions do not condemn and rather support Mr. Putin’s decision to start the full-scale war against Ukraine. As a particular example, Russia's leading research and development institution in the field of nuclear energy National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” expressed “A full support for the decision of the President of the Russian Federation to conduct a special military operation, realizing that it is aimed at the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, preventing the threat of a direct attack from its territory [on Russia].”[2]
We hence emphasize that maintaining scientific and technological cooperation with Russia is unacceptable. We urge immediate discontinuation of any research collaborations and partnerships with Russian institutions and their representatives. Examples include participation in joined projects (co)financed by Swiss government, institutions and companies, participation in scientific conferences in Switzerland, publishing in Swiss scientific journals, exchange visits of students and scientific personnel, participation of Russia in CERN. Similarly strong and important steps have been undertaken by Germany and other European countries. Russian organizations have been already excluded from the European Union’s flagship research and innovation funding programme Horizon Europe. As announced by Swiss President Ignazio Cassis “playing into the hands of an aggressor is not neutral”.
The enacted measures can be elevated only after the complete withdrawal of Russian armed forces from the territory of Ukraine (including Crimea and Donbas regions), and after the fundamental change of the Russia’s political system. Such concerted efforts of the international community will help induce the transformations in Russia earlier than later, and thus faster transition to safer World.
[2] http://www.nrcki.ru/product/press-nrcki/press-nrcki--44871.shtml?g_show=43519&fbclid=IwAR35HQFveApT6bsx_QxpRFCKBFGupdnrV2wlImQcWkObOA7nYi0EPNLdmKg (visited on 08.03.2022)
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am 06.05.2023Liebe Unterstützende,
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am 04.04.2022 -
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am 09.03.2022
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