32 Unterschriften
Petition richtet sich an: Switfies
We, the undersigned fans of Taylor Swift, urgently request that the concerts in Vienna, which were canceled from August 8th to 10th due to a terrorist attack, be rescheduled to new dates.
While we understand and support the priority of ensuring everyone's safety, the cancellation of these concerts without offering rescheduled dates has deeply disappointed us. Many of us have spent the past year eagerly preparing for these events—booking travel and accommodations, making friendship bracelets, and learning song lyrics in anticipation.
The emotional and financial investments we have made are significant. The "Ticketwar" last year caused immense stress, and the thought of going through such an ordeal again to secure tickets for a future concert is daunting.
We are not just seeking refunds; we are asking for the opportunity to experience the concerts we have been looking forward to for so long. Rescheduling the Vienna dates would acknowledge our dedication and efforts, allowing us to transform our excitement and preparation into cherished memories.
Therefore, we respectfully request that new dates be set for the canceled Vienna concerts. This gesture would not only be fair but would also demonstrate your commitment to Taylor Swift’s loyal fanbase.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
We were really exited to visit the event.
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Neue SprachversionDebatte
Noch kein CONTRA Argument.
Warum Menschen unterschreiben
Als einzige Stadt weltweit, haben die Fans ein Recht auf die neuen Konzerte
Weil es ein einmaliges Erlebnis ist
Ne a jegy árát térítsék vissza, hanem tartsák meg a koncertet.
Taylor Swift koncert wegen meinen kindern
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