Regio: Londen
Bescherming van minderheden

Petition Against Eviction Notice for Brentford Muslim Centre

Petitie is gericht aan
Local MP and Council Leader
903 Ondersteunend
90% bereikt 1.000 voor collectiedoel
903 Ondersteunend
90% bereikt 1.000 voor collectiedoel
  1. Begonnen 13-6-2024
  2. Handtekeningenactie nog steeds > 5 maanden
  3. Overdracht
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

Ik ga ermee akkoord dat mijn gegevens worden opgeslagen. Ik bepaal wie mijn steun kan zien. Ik kan deze toestemming op elk moment intrekken .


**Subject: Petition Against Eviction Notice for Brentford Muslim Centre**

We, the undersigned members and supporters of Brentford Muslim Centre, are writing to formally petition against the eviction notice by the landlord.

Brentford Islamic Centre has been a cornerstone for Muslim residents of Brentford, serving not only as a place of worship but also as a centre for education, charity, and social support.


**Reasons for opposition to the eviction:**

1. **Community Centre:**
  Brentford Muslim Centre is more than a religious site; it is a community hub that provides essential services, including educational programmes, a youth centre, and support for the needy. Its eviction would disrupt these critical services, negatively impacting the lives of many individuals who rely on them.

2. **Cultural Heritage:**
  The mosque (masjid) holds significant cultural and historical importance for the Muslim community. It represents the heritage and traditions of the Muslim residents of Brentford, fostering unity and understanding amongst the diverse cultures of Brentford.

3. **Legal Concerns:**
  We believe the eviction notice is unjust and potentially unlawful due to the short notice period. The eviction would displace Muslim residents of Brentford, many of whom have no alternative place of worship nearby. This displacement would cause significant hardship for community members, particularly during important religious observances.

We respectfully urge the local authority and the landlord to reconsider the eviction notice and allow Brentford Masjid to continue its vital role within the community.

We are prepared to engage in a dialogue to address any concerns and find a mutually agreeable solution to facilitate the Masjid in the regeneration project by the London Borough of Hounslow to consider and allocate a place for the Masjid for Muslim residents of Brentford.

The loss of the Masjid in Brentford would be a profound detriment to the social, cultural, and spiritual fabric of Muslim residents and would also undermine the diversity policy of the Council.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a positive resolution. Please find attached signatures from the resident community members.

Bedankt voor je steun, Brentford Muslim Centre uit Village of Sharon Springs
Vraag voor de initiatiefnemer

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This community deserves a better treatment regarding their needs.

Nog geen tegenargument.

Waarom mensen ondertekenen

As a muslim, masjid is a core of our believe, masjid is not only for prayers, masjid is the backbone of the community,where marriage is celebrated, where all problems of the community,are discussed and fixed, also is the bastion for the new converts is where they take the shahadaa and mix with their brothers and sisters and learn about Islam.

I believe it is imperative for communities to have safe spaces for the youth to feel comfortable. This keeps a strong base for our society and allows for a brighter environment where kids can dream of strong futures.

This country values itself on tolerance, yet it's actions are very hypocritical. I have not seen a valid excuse to shut down this mosque, which seems to be the only mosque close enough for the local residents.

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