
Get Our Women And Childrens Services Back At The Alexandra Hospital In Redditch

Petition is directed to
local MP and local prime minister and the government
1 supporter

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

1 supporter

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

I gave birth to my little boy albie on the 24th of December 2021. I was supposed to have a caeserian section as he was breach but I travelled 45 minutes to Worcester just to find out that I was 4 cm dilated but had to wait to have my caesarean as all of the rooms were taken up. within the space of half an hour of them moving me to the delivery sweet I was 10cm and was forced to give birth breach as nothing had been done at this little boy ended up coming out with meconium aspiration syndrome as a result of this and had to go to Birmingham children's to have maximum life support. He was in hospital for the first month of his life.
We desperately need our maternity and children's services back at the alexandra hospital as there are many mums in redditch that are having to travel to Worcestershire Royal to give birth when there is a perfect hospital here in redditch but we are being forced to travel over to Worcester.
This means alot to me as I don't want any more mothers from redditch to have to travel all the way over to Worcester like me and 2 other mums did we all had traumatic experiences.


This means alot to me and other mums as I don't want any more mothers from redditch to have to travel all the way over to Worcester like me and 2 other mums did we all had traumatic experiences

Thank you for your support, Anna Bunce from Redditch
Question to the initiator

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