Traffic & transportation

A24 Ballynahinch bypass

Petition is directed to
Northern Ireland Assembly
610 supporters
6% achieved 10,000 for collection target
610 supporters
6% achieved 10,000 for collection target
  1. Launched 09/04/2024
  2. Time remaining 5 days
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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Push for A24 Ballynahinch bypass


Following yet another death due to lorries being forced to travel through the town -
Not to mention multiple accidents involving lorries and the absurd amount of traffic travelling through the town, it really is time the bypass was pushed through Stormont.
This should also improve trade within the town. As the locals will actually be able to travel to and park within the town centre.

Thank you for your support, Andrew Dickson from Ballynahinch
Question to the initiator

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Why people sign

I travel this road for work and because of the hold up getting though this busy town people then go faster on the roads to and from this town to make up for lost time and in my opinion a bypass would make the roads in this area safer

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