
Justice For John .

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Head Of Nhs U.k , Health Minister For U.k Government

0 signatures

Petition process is finished

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Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2017
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

Petition is addressed to: Head Of Nhs U.k , Health Minister For U.k Government

I wish to have the NHS put an end to the use of DNR ORDERS , and the continued use of the outlawed LIVERPOOL CARE PATHWAY -which was ending the lives of elderly , and vulnerable patients without any consent , to save the NHS cash , and fee -up beds .I lost my late Father to this policy , and have fought for more than three years to expose the truth of this horrific method of euthanasia ., and the abuse of human rights which it is most clearly . My late Father deserved so much more fro a system he paid in to .


I believe each person has a right go life -and when in the care of Doctors , and the NHS -life should be of paramount impotence , even if this life is of a limited time -it should not be ended by the method of slow euthanasia -and never to exclude the patients wishes ., as well as their Families .My late Father -JOHN , was a good man , and a good FATHER -AND HAD NO SAY IN HIS END OF LIFE CARE -IT WAS A NATIONAL DISGRACE . i know it still goes on in hospital , on wards of elderly patients , as the Nhs is crumbling ., and set targets , to the detriment of patient care , and cash incentives to end lives ----i ned to expose this , and get justice for all who have ended as victims of the liverpool care pathway . .

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition started: 08/01/2017
Petition ends: 08/01/2018
Region: United Kingdom
Topic: Health

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