Civil rights

Help Restore Rights of Ukrainian Citizens Deported to Russia!

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Petition is addressed to
Управління Верховного Комісара ООН з прав людини, Агентство ООН у справах біженців, Офіс УВКБ ООН у Швейцарії та Ліхтенштейні, Комісар Ради Європи з прав людини, Організація «Міжнародний захист дітей»

1,008 signatures

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1,008 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Управління Верховного Комісара ООН з прав людини, Агентство ООН у справах біженців, Офіс УВКБ ООН у Швейцарії та Ліхтенштейні, Комісар Ради Європи з прав людини, Організація «Міжнародний захист дітей»

There are thousands of Ukrainian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation at the present moment who have been deported to the Russian Feederation from the war zone.
Many of these people do not have personal identity documents due to the following reasons: they left their homeland in a hurry, their houses were destroyed or burned down, their documents were taken away during the filtration, the documents were lost during relocation.
These citizens of Ukraine cannot leave the Russian Federation, as the border services of the Russian Federation often do not accept migration cards as an identification documents. The migration card does not carry unique information about a person - neither a photo, nor biometrics.
Among the citizens of Ukraine that were deported to the territory of the Russian Federation there are people with medical problems, people who need to be employed. There are small and even newborn children who also need identity cards as well as protection of their rights. Now they are in a highly dependent and vulnerable situation.
Citizens of Ukraine, whose civil and individual rights have been violated on the territory of the Russian Federation, cannot receive assistance of law enforcement officials and protection of international human rights organizations.
Neutral Switzerland took over the functions of consular support for Georgian citizens in 2008 after the severance of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and Georgia. This mechanism helped the citizens of Georgia to leave the territory of the Russian Federation freely, as well as receive legal and social assistance.
We demand to organize consular support from one of the EU countries for citizens of Ukraine on the territory of the Russian Federation.
This will allow citizens of Ukraine to cross borders and travel outside the Russian Federation freely, receive assistance of international human rights organizations, and provide them with visibility and protection of Human Rights.


According to Human Rights Watch  “there is ample evidence that thousands of Ukrainians were taken to Russia under duress”.
A media investigation relying on updates from Russian local news . exposed a network of 66 camps based at USSR-era countryside health facilities and other sites in regions including Siberia, the Caucasus, the Arctic Circle and the Far East.
As far back as on 13.04.2022, addressing the Estonian Parliament, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Russian occupational forces had already deported more than 500 thousand Ukrainian citizens
 And since then, the number of the deported has been increasing daily!
On 22.04.2022, Lyudmila Denisova, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, declared that, according to data published by the Russian Federation, “878 thousand residents, including 164 thousand children, have been deported to Russia”
She also asserted on multiple occasions that Russia as the country occupying Ukraine “grossly violates provisions of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which prohibits forced relocation or deportation of persons from occupied territories” and on 23.04.22, she stated that Ruscists “subject citizens of Ukraine to gruelling and degrading treatment during forced deportation” and that ’evacuated’ Ukrainians “are taken to depressed northern regions of Russia”
During a briefing on 02.05.2022, Darya Herasymchuk, Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights and Rehabilitation, reported that “Russia has illegitimately deported 181 thousand Ukrainian children or relocated them to the occupied territories“
We are calling on you to help to restore and protect the legal identity of Ukrainian citizens deported to the Russian Federation and, in particular, uphold their legitimate right to travel between States. This will help war-afflicted persons to leave the aggressor country and, over time, return to Ukraine!
Thanking you for your support,

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Petition details

Petition started: 05/10/2022
Petition ends: 06/30/2022
Region: European Union
Topic: Civil rights

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