13 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: EU Parliament
We request the termination of all support for member states of the European Community which, in difficult times like these, want to take into account exclusively your national interests.
Europe has never needed solidarity as urgently as it does these days.
Anyone who does not now put the idea of solidarity and sympathy into the first place must be excluded from a strong and united Europe.
Every community is only as strong as its weakest member - and right now we have to be strong.
Many have been dreaming the same dream for decades - a united Europe!
We have been on the threshold of a dramatic change in how we want to and will live together in Europe in the future.
There is no more room for national egoism and one-sided aspirations towards the community.
Individual partner countries are standing at the abyss. If we do not show complete solidarity now, our common idea will die for good.
With this petition we therefore call upon all member states of the European Community to show a clear and precise political line of solidarity.
Solidarity and participation is not a political one-way street for personal or national egoism or enrichment, at the expense of the weakest members of this community.
Let's stand together - and exclude those who disqualify themselves these days!
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on 29 May 2021Liebe Unterstützende,
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