Civil rights

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccionation is a Violation of Human Rights

Petition is addressed to
European Union

105 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

105 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: European Union

In response to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, member states of the European Union are preparing to force their citizens to take a COVID-19 vaccine.


It is highly unethical - and in many countries illegal - for the government to force medical procedures on its citizens against their will. European citizens were given the freedom to decide on vaccination, and this is how it has to be. Those who chose vaccination did so of their own free will, which is perfectly acceptable and our petition is not trying to hold back anyone to do so. However, it is extremely unfair that some have been allowed to enjoy this freedom and others are being deprived of it.
This is not in line with the democratic principles that the European Union was built upon. Individuals cannot be forced to take a vaccine by violence, law or by any other means, including - but not limited to - removing ones livelihood by restrictions on employment, health care, education, free movement, access or use of one's own assets, or to be fined.
Respect for patient autonomy is one of the many fundamental ethical principles in medicine. An individual has the capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision to choose or refuse a medical treatment.
Mandatory vaccination violates autonomy. A basic human right is the right to one's own body and the integrity thereof. Ethical and moral questions matter even if there is a pandemic.
The main points of our petition are as follows:

  1. Medical ethics must be considered even during an epidemic or pandemic. Autonomy - the right to refuse or choose a treatment - must be protected. European law should respect the ability of the individual to make informed decisions about personal matters with freedom.
  2. Citizens cannot be forced by any European governments to take a vaccine by violence, law or by any other means, including - but not limited to - removing ones livelihood by restrictions on employment, health care, education, free movement, access or use of one's own assets, or to be fined.
  3. Employment discrimination, healthcare discrimination and education discrimination on vaccination must be prohibited.
  4. Parental decision-making on childhood vaccination.

Visit our web-site for details:

Thank you for your support, Tamás Szárnyasi from Sopron
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 02/15/2022
Petition ends: 01/31/2023
Region: European Union
Topic: Civil rights

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