Image of the petition Seed savers should not be compelled to register to ensure plant health in Europe!
Civil rights

Seed savers should not be compelled to register to ensure plant health in Europe!

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
European Commission
6 supporters

The petition was removed from the platform

6 supporters

The petition was removed from the platform

  1. Launched 2021
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

09/27/2021, 12:05

Please see

Neuer Petitionstext:

SomeThis of the seed savers in Europe have already given up their activity. They can‘t continue to make seeds or other plant reproductive material available in a legal way, and they do not want to do it illegally.However, the conservation of cultivated plant diversity in most European countries depends on such individuals. With its Plant Health Regulation, the EU intends to control the spread of plant pests by enabling Plant Health Offices to search everywhere for viruses, bacteria, fungi or insects, even in gardens and premises of seed savers who share rare plant propagation material with interested people via web shops. The EUpetition has putbeen inmoved force an elaborate control system a few years ago, parts of which are currently evaluated. Therefore, seed savers are ringing alarm

A control of hobby gardens in general is not intended. However, of all things, persons who are conserving in cultivated plant biodiversity and are using web shops to reach out to like-minded people, have to register. This is likely to cover the majority of seed savers in most EU countries. Registered persons and organisations have to fulfill obligations such as: Knowing the EU regulation, secure traceability, and allow eradication. They can also pay an authorized operator to do it for them. For some particularly susceptible host plants, among which tomato and bean, plant passports have to be issued for each web shop

Extra administration cost would increase diversity seed prices, due to the tiny lots, considerably more than mass commercial variety seed. A cost recovery scheme would not help, because even this means extra administration. Also, any “lighter regulation” as proposed by some would not help, as it would still require the registration of people engaged in diversity conservation. For extra administration, seed savers have neither time nor money. They already have plants and possible pests in close view, since they don’t want to lose any plant chosen to harvest seed from. Only operators with paid staff have so far been able to cope with some of the legal requirements, their seed prices have increased substantially.It would cut cultivated plant diversity from its roots, however, if all over Europe only a handful of organisations with paid staff would conserve it. The local engagement of many people for cultivated plant diversity must remain a social movement. It needs many people and many gardens to love, care for and develop the living cultural heritage adapted to local conditions and hand it over to the next generation. Who would get engaged if expensive seed and an official registration are marking the start?    

Neue Begründung:

ThePlease seedsee saving community prevents rather than eradicates pests. They care for healthy soils without pesticide loads, mixed cultivation and suitable plant neighborhoods, crop rotation, an environment that strengthens naturally occurring predators and therefore also vitality and adaptability of the plants. With their broad genetic equipment, diversity varieties are able to react to stress. A good example is the German apple variety "Edelborsdorfer" which is since 600 years free of any damage from scab, the most important disease in European commercial apple cultivation. The fact that old varieties they lack modern “resistance genes”, is hardly a disadvantage, as monogenetic resistances tend to be broken by pests or diseases adapting to them. 

Diversity varieties often thrive well although a virus or other pest was proven. To eradicate these plants would be a wrong concept when aiming at better plant health, as does the EU

 Some of the seed savers have not only cancelled their web shop, but also their complete activity. Without a web shop, in particular the sale of tomato and bean seed, dubbed as „diversity diplomats“ due to their importance and attraction, the cultivation of numerous varieties and many other species would be reduced to a fraction of what is grown today in gardens and fields. More damage to diversity is likely, if seed savers are not immediately and completely exempted from the official registration obligation under Plant Health Regulation EU 2016/2031. Diversity varieties are a chance, not a risk, as some are claiming, however, without proof. The registration obligation for seed savers using web shops could deeply damage diversity conservation and does hardly help avoiding plant health problems in the EU.

Neues Zeichnungsende: 27.09.2021
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 5

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