
Remove the ability to add new places and businesses at Ukraine's Google Maps

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Google LLC

157 Firmas

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157 Firmas

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01/03/2022 21:37

Add photo and update 4th point of the conlusion.

новий текст петиції :

Since 28th of February, people started to notice unverified businesses called "Фермерське Господарство" (which means "Farm") appearing all over Kyiv's at Google Maps. They've also been created in some other cities in a smaller quantity.


Kyiv and many other cities are currently in a war state because of russian aggression. It's basically impossible for so many real farms to appear at this moment.

Ukrainian people took action and started reporting these suspicous businesses which led to most of them being removed from Google Maps. Although, this solution is not as effective since it requires 24/7 maps monitoring and business removal isn't instant. At the same time, some of them might have been simply missed.

To conclude:

+ Can we say for sure that these coordinates are being used to coordinate attacks on Ukraine's cities? - 50/50.

+ Can we say for sure that it is impossible for so many farms to instantly appear in highly-populated urban areas? - Yes!

+ Can we say for sure that Ukrainian people do not need the ability to create new businesses on Google Maps during the war? - Yes!

+ As an additional request, it would be great to remove all Ukraine's Google Maps places created later than 23th of February.

We ask Google not to close Google Maps in Ukraine, but to close the ability to create new businesses and places!

This is a safe solution that doesn't harm Ukrainian people in any way, but might ruin some awfull plans for russian aggressor.

підписи на момент зміни : 5

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