
Purchasing power: in the face of inflation, salary increases at Institut Pasteur!

Petition is addressed to
Direction de l'Institut Pasteur

937 signatures

Collection finished

937 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision


10/05/2022, 12:24

Added a note on bypassing the spam filter.

Neue Begründung:

Considering that:

  •  the INSEE forecasts this year an inflation reaching 7%,
  •  no general salary increase has taken place since 2017,
  •  the individual increases are not enough to compensate for the sharp decline in purchasing power that we are ALL facing,
  •  and considering the great financial situation of Institut Pasteur (more than 10 million euros of average annual profits for 10 years).

We call upon you ALL to stand together and join us in signing this petition. This concerns us all! Please sign and share this petition, for our voices to be heard!

This petition was initiated by the STRP-CGT union and the staff of the Institut Pasteur, it is supported by the SPIP, the SyNAPCE, the CFTC and the SPS.

NOTE: Institut Pasteur's spam filter is now configured to "quarantine" the validation email for your signature. You will need to open an e-mail titled "Quarantine" and click on "Libérer et autoriser l'expéditeur" to receive the validation link.

Signatures at the time of the change: 497

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