06/23/2018, 18:51
-> we need MANDATORY registration + a mechanism of sanctions if someone (EU attached or lobbyist) breaks the rules.
New petition description: Citizens of the European Union expect EU decision making to be as open as possible. Following this thought, why do we not have a mandatory *mandatory* transparency register yet?
In order to make lobbying more transparent and to relieve the mistrust against professional lobbyists I call for an implementation of a mandatory registration of every lobby organisation.
Not only does this help serious, professional lobbyists to clear their image but also prevents shady lobbying strategies from interfering in European politics.
A strong democracy like the European Union profits from a landscape of diverse interests and therefore has to provide sufficient mechanisms of transparency. Read about action taken by the Commission: europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-3182_en.htm
Neue Begründung: A mandatory *mandatory* transparency register is not harming lobbyists operating in a professional manner. In the EU lobbying is needed in order to provide expertise in certain fields. Thus, everybody profits from a mandatory transparency register.
The reason for this petition is mainly that a voluntary registration of lobby groups is not enough regulation for a transparent and complex environment of interest representation within the European Union.
It should be self-explanatory why we need a mandatory registration on European level.
Read more: www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/eu-affairs/20180108STO91215/transparency-register-who-is-lobbying-the-eu-infographic