07/26/2022, 12:29
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter
I have received an answer from Brussels!!!! You can read the letter on my blog LilyAmis.Blogspot.com here: lilyamis.blogspot.com/2022/07/Brussels.html
The #HumanityB4Nationality petition may END here on this platform with meaningless and obviously copy/pasted empty words, BUT I have also posted this (in German) on the Swiss petition platform “Act Campax, Make Change happen”.
This platform has no expiry date! This means if you want, you can sign the petition there as well and inform your family and friends who care about the plight of refugees worldwide and continue to be the voice for the voiceless!
As you can guess, I'm not accepting this standard letter where they practically repeat and list all the problems and issues that I have already mentioned in my online petition without taking action regarding my/our request. The focus in this letter is mainly on the Ukraine war, while I have started this petition a year ago, months before this new refugee crisis in Europe!
Want to stay in contact and support me on my mission?
Please follow me on Instagram @Lily4Refugees
Sign up for my newsletter: mailchi.mp/8a6318ee08b0/lilyamis
Sign for #HumanityB4Nationality petition on the Swiss platform (In German):
Thank you for your love and support and best wishes,
Lily Amis
Writer, Blogger, Lyricist, Voice4Refugees
07/26/2022, 12:28
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter
I have received an answer from Brussels!!!! You can read the letter on my blog LilyAmis.Blogspot.com here: lilyamis.blogspot.com/2022/07/Brussels.html
The #HumanityB4Nationality petition may END here on this platform with meaningless and obviously copy/pasted empty words, BUT I have also posted this (in German) on the Swiss petition platform “Act Campax, Make Change happen”.
This platform has no expiry date! This means if you want, you can sign the petition there as well and inform your family and friends who care about the plight of refugees worldwide and continue to be the voice for the voiceless!
As you can guess, I'm not accepting this standard letter where they practically repeat and list all the problems and issues that I have already mentioned in my online petition without taking action regarding my/our request. The focus in this letter is mainly on the Ukraine war, while I have started this petition a year ago, months before this new refugee crisis in Europe!
Want to stay in contact and support me on my mission?
Please follow me on Instagram @Lily4Refugees
Sign up for my newsletter: mailchi.mp/8a6318ee08b0/lilyamis
Sign for #HumanityB4Nationality petition on the Swiss platform (In German):
Thank you for your love and support and best wishes,
Lily Amis
Writer, Blogger, Lyricist, Voice4Refugees
06/23/2022, 16:27
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter,
As you know from my previous email, last Saturday we finally sent out my petition letter to Missis Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the EU commission in Brussels.
On our way back home from the post office, we saw a lady walking by with her adorable little dog. I was very curious about the dog’s race and started a conversation. It turned out that the puppy was only five months old. Her owner explained that she had asked a friend who lives in Spain to contact her as soon as her dog was having puppies, so she would fly over and pick up her new baby dog. Nice story, right?
Well, that’s not the reason why I’m sharing this today! What she said next was mind-blowing! She told us how easy it was to get her puppy from Spain to Switzerland. After getting vaccinated and getting a vaccination certificate, she also applied and got an EU PASSPORT!!!
Yes, an EU Passport! Can you believe it? And when they landed at Zurich Airport, no one even cared to control and the little dog was welcomed in Switzerland with open arms and no hassle at all!
WOW! This got me thinking! A little dog has an EU Passport and is allowed to travel wherever she wants. She is allowed to live freely wherever she desires. What a privilege it is to be a DOG and enjoy all the freedom in the world, while innocent refugees are help- and powerless over their own destiny and life choices! Some of them are recycled in refugee camps. Others are stuck in refugee shelters in EU cities without any chance to improve anything in their life, because of a piece of paper!
It took me 27 years, almost three decades, to be a naturalized Swiss and be finally free to travel wherever I want without Visa hassles at the Embassies. We couldn’t move from one city (Lucerne) to another (Zurich) for seven years, because of bureaucracy and the awful refugee law. We lost so many precious years, opportunities, and possibilities because we were permanently reduced to a piece of paper! And that’s the misery that all the refugees have to deal with. Some of them for years and some even for decades!
So, I’m just wondering why the EU can’t treat refugees like dogs? Why don’t you give the innocent victims of the war a fair chance to integrate and become independent members of the European countries? Why? It could save us all so many problems if every single human would be treated like a dog. It would be so wonderful if every single refugee could live a free life without racism and discrimination because of nationality, religion, and race!
Just give it some thought and imagine...
For the love of God, if you are not willing to give the refugees a proper residency and work permits and allow them to contribute to your country with knowledge and skills, at least give them the chance to educate, because Education is the passport to life! Don’t punish and recycle the refugees like a disease in refugee shelters and refugee camps for years!
06/19/2022, 12:48
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter
Monday is WORLD REFUGEE DAY, and I'm happy to inform you, that we have sent my online petition letter #HumanityB4Nationality to the EU Commission in Brussels yesterday.
You can read the open letter in full length on my blog. To be honest, I don't expect to receive a personalized answer. If we are lucky, we will probably receive a standard letter!!! We will see... Here we go:
Letter sent on 18. June 2022 - Online Petition #HumanityB4Nationality at www.openpetition.eu
Dear Missis Ursula von der Leyen
I hope this letter finds you well. I know that you have many things going on right now, but I have started my online petition #HumanityB4Nationality (in German #MenschlichkeitVorNationalität) back in August 2021. Who would have thought that a year later when I’m sending you this letter, Europe would be in the middle of a third world war and another refugee crisis! I could never have imagined that 80 years after World War II, one single insane man would once again be able to destroy so many lives and be responsible for countless innocent deaths. The world is once again witnessing a shameful human crime. Unfortunately, we haven’t learned anything from history.
I have to admit, that I was hoping to have much more petition supporters, especially now after the Ukraine crisis. But the truth is that people who I have spoken to personally or had Zoom conversations, email communications back and forth and on social media simply don’t believe in governments and lawmakers anymore. They also don’t believe that an online petition can change anything! I guess they are right, but I am, and I will always be the Voice4refugees, and it is my duty and responsibility as a former-war refugee to bring awareness and use my voice for the voiceless.
I don’t expect my online petition and this open letter to you (that will also be published on www.openpetiton.eu) will change anything because I’m very well aware that too many powerful and greedy people benefit from the suffering and struggling of helpless refugees worldwide.
Also, if the refugee crisis would be taken care of, what would all the big and no-name “Non-profit”-Organizations or charities do who are sitting in their fancy offices and working either “with” or “for” the refugees?
The previous months after the war outbreak in Ukraine have shown the world, that if governments really want to act fast and fair, it is possible to give humans in desperate need of safety and a chance to start over without bureaucracy and discrimination. The European countries have been exceptionally open, kind, loving, giving, supportive, and welcoming to Ukraine’s victims of war. People have opened their hearts and homes to complete strangers, and that’s what I call humanity.
I wish Europe would treat refugees from outside of Europe the same way. Refugees do not choose their country of birth, nationality, skin color, gender, or religion. The way refugees from the Middle East have been treated in the previous decades is shameful. They are stuck in refugee camps or refugee shelters for years or even decades and nobody is doing anything! No one cares! They have become forgotten souls with no chance to escape from their misery. It has become normality to see these terrible images of tents with the UNHCR or UNICEF logo on it. BUT nothing about this living condition is normal! NOTHING!
The huge amount of money that European countries and their governments are donating to help the Ukrainian refugees is truly a miracle. The BIG question is where is all the money coming from? How come, those refugees from 2015 are still struggling and surviving in refugee camps under the most inhuman and disgusting living conditions with absolutely no sign of hope and support wide and bride?
How come no one was and is willing to help them to settle down and have a normal and safe life in dignity? Why didn’t governments donate this huge amount of money to help the millions of refugees coming from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and co? All they did to this date was putting them away and give them tents and blankets! That’s it! Why? Well, the shameful answer is simple, because even refugees are being discriminated against and differently treated based on their birthplace, nationality, BUT especially skin color and religion!
What the UK is doing right now with its “Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme program” should have been the solution for all the refugees from 2015. Instead, the Muslim refugees have been treated like garbage, dirt, and disease and were forced to suffer in silence for way too many years/decades!
We are witnessing another HUMAN FAILURE in this century, and I am ashamed of our incapable generation and corrupt governments who have failed in terms of humanity, empathy, solidarity, compassion, and kindness.
Read the letter in full length on my blog:
05/25/2022, 12:06
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter
This is my last blog post here before I send my online petition to the EU Parliament in Brussels next month. God is my witness, I have tried everything in my power to get more signatures. Unfortunately, we only got 58 supporters to this date!
It has been very challenging to get more signatures. Not necessarily because people don’t care about the right and plight of refugees, but mainly because they have lost their trust in our governments. Most people that I have contacted or spoken to, have a negative view of online petitions because of our world leaders, lawmakers, governments, and politicians. And let’s be honest, who can blame them?
This doesn’t change anything for me personally. I will continue to be the voice for the voiceless, and I make sure that we don’t receive a standard letter from the EU. I will list questions and I expect honest and useful answers!
So if you have any questions that you want to be answered, this is the time to be active. Please don’t hesitate to send me your questions and I will add it to my own before I send out the letter next month!
BTW: I have also contacted big and no-name non-profit organizations and charities worldwide who work WITH or FOR refugees and guess what, no one showed any interest in supporting my mission to this date! Precious hours of long and exhausting Zoom conversations and email communications back and forth were all for nothing!
However, my main goal with #HumanityB4Nationality has always been bringing awareness about the obstacles and horrible living conditions of refugees from the point of view of a former refugee who has suffered and struggled for decades because of the refugee law regarding education and integration.
This online petition even made me release two songs. “80 Million People!” and “Blood is always red!” The lyrics are powerful and a clear statement. Releasing my new book “Lilys Ambassadors”, in German “Lilys Botschafter” is my final initiative for this petition even though it will officially end in July 2022 here on openpetition.eu.
Be assured that I will continue to be the Voice4refugees regardless of the outcome of this petition. Thank you again for your support. My next blog post here will be my open letter to the EU. Stay tuned!
Best wishes,
Lily Amis
Lilys Ambassadors, The Four Paw Memoirs
Lilys nine Ambassadors are Lucky, Lovely, Lucie, Lemon, Leonardo, Laila, Ludwig, Louise, and Lennon. The adorable story tellers were born during and after the lockdown in 2020 and 2021.
Everything began with Lucky. Meanwhile, eight more enchanting characters are sharing their amusing and inspiring life stories with important messages. Integration, Acceptance, Tolerance as well as anti-discrimination, anti-racism, anti-bullying, friendship, humanity, empathy, and education are the most powerful topics in this entertaining book for children from eight to adult readers.
Available in print and as e-book in all bookshops!
Lilys Botschafter, Die Vier Pfoten Memoiren
Lilys neun Botschafter sind Lucky, Lovely, Lucie, Lemon, Leonardo, Laila, Ludwig, Louise und Lennon. Die süßen Hundekinder wurden während und nach dem Lockdown im Jahr 2020 und 2021 geboren.
Alles begann mit Lucky und inzwischen teilen weitere acht bezaubernde Charaktere ihre humorvollen und inspirierenden Lebensgeschichten, die wichtige Botschaften beinhalten. Integration, Akzeptanz und Toleranz sowie Anti-Diskriminierung, Anti-Rassismus, Anti-Mobbing, Freundschaft, Menschlichkeit, Empathie und Bildung sind die wichtigsten Themen in diesem unterhaltsamen Buch für Kinder ab acht Jahren und Erwachsene.
Jetzt erhältlich im Buchhandel!
05/25/2022, 12:04
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter
This is my last blog post here before I send my online petition to the EU Parliament in Brussels next month. God is my witness, I have tried everything in my power to get more signatures. Unfortunately, we only got 58 supporters to this date!
It has been very challenging to get more signatures. Not necessarily because people don’t care about the right and plight of refugees, but mainly because they have lost their trust in our governments. Most people that I have contacted or spoken to, have a negative view of online petitions because of our world leaders, lawmakers, governments, and politicians. And let’s be honest, who can blame them?
This doesn’t change anything for me personally. I will continue to be the voice for the voiceless, and I make sure that we don’t receive a standard letter from the EU. I will list questions and I expect honest and useful answers!
So if you have any questions that you want to be answered, this is the time to be active. Please don’t hesitate to send me your questions and I will add it to my own before I send out the letter next month!
BTW: I have also contacted big and no-name non-profit organizations and charities worldwide who work WITH or FOR refugees and guess what, no one showed any interest in supporting my mission to this date! Precious hours of long and exhausting Zoom conversations and email communications back and forth were all for nothing!
However, my main goal with #HumanityB4Nationality has always been bringing awareness about the obstacles and horrible living conditions of refugees from the point of view of a former refugee who has suffered and struggled for decades because of the refugee law regarding education and integration.
This online petition even made me release two songs. “80 Million People!” and “Blood is always red!” The lyrics are powerful and a clear statement. Releasing my new book “Lilys Ambassadors”, in German “Lilys Botschafter” is my final initiative for this petition even though it will officially end in July 2022 here on openpetition.eu.
Be assured that I will continue to be the Voice4refugees regardless of the outcome of this petition. Thank you again for your support. My next blog post here will be my open letter to the EU. Stay tuned!
Best wishes,
Lily Amis
03/15/2022, 15:23
Only a week before this unbelievably senseless nightmare and bloody war started in Ukraine, the song “Blood is always red!” was written by me and recorded by British singer and songwriter Thir13een. It is an anti-war and anti-discrimination song to bring awareness about the plight of refugees and my online petition #HumanityB4Natioanlity here on openpetiton.eu.
I could never have imagined that 80 years after World War II, one single man would be able to destroy so many lives AGAIN and be responsible for so many innocent deaths. We are once again witnessing human crime and a new refugee crisis in Europe.
As I say in my song lyrics, “Blood is always red!”
Haven’t two bloody world wars done enough damage to humanity?
Haven’t we learned anything from history?
Bombs kept falling like raindrops from the sky
Blood were flowing like tears from people’s eyes
Innocent people have lost their homes and nationality
to become voiceless refugees with no rights and identity
Right now, the solidarity and awareness about the refugees is exactly what I was hoping and asking for with this online petition in the previous six months. The generosity and kind gestures from the Europeans are overwhelming. I wish everyone would be ALWAYS that kind, thoughtful, giving, caring, loving, understanding, supportive and helpful to humans in need, and not only when they feel threatened, scared, worried, and unsure about their own life and existence!
The huge amount of money that European countries and their governments are donating to help Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees right now is truly a miracle. The BIG question is where is all the money coming from? How come, those refugees from 2015 are still struggling in refugee camps under the most inhuman and disgusting living conditions with absolutely no sign of help and support wide and bride? How come no one was willing to help them to settle down and have a normal and safe life in dignity? Why didn’t governments donate this huge amount of money to help the millions of refugees so far? WHY?
What the UK is doing right now with its “Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme program” should have been the solution for all the refugees from 2015. Instead, they have been treated like garbage, dirt, and disease and were forced to suffer in silence for way too many years!
We don’t know what the future brings. And trust me; the last thing I want is to experience a second war! I have already lost so much because of one war in my childhood in my beloved country. I don’t think that I can handle another war in the heart of Europe!
Let’s hope and pray that this nightmare will end as soon as possible. Every single day that’s goes by is a human crime. Every single death is a disgrace to humanity! Let’s pray that the Ukrainian refugees will have a happy future in their adopted countries, where they are not only welcome for now! I hope they will also be welcome with open arms and opportunities when this war comes to an end while they have settled down under such horrible circumstances – a new life overnight from zero to an uncertain future. I hope the refugees won’t be forced to leave by law and can live a happy life without prejudice, discrimination, rejection, and bureaucracy!
The song “Blood is always red!” will be out on 22.3.22 and available on all streaming platforms!
My thoughts and prayers are with every single person who is now experiencing bomb attacks, as well as those who have left their country and are now facing the challenging journey as refugees!!!
03/15/2022, 15:20
Only a week before this unbelievably senseless nightmare and bloody war started in Ukraine, the song “Blood is always red!” was written by me and recorded by British singer and songwriter Thir13een. It is an anti-war and anti-discrimination song to bring awareness about the plight of refugees and my online petition #HumanityB4Natioanlity here on openpetiton.eu.
I could never have imagined that 80 years after World War II, one single man would be able to destroy so many lives AGAIN and be responsible for so many innocent deaths. We are once again witnessing human crime and a new refugee crisis in Europe.
As I say in my song lyrics, “Blood is always red!”
Haven’t two bloody world wars done enough damage to humanity?
Haven’t we learned anything from history?
Bombs kept falling like raindrops from the sky
Blood were flowing like tears from people’s eyes
Innocent people have lost their homes and nationality
to become voiceless refugees with no rights and identity
Right now, the solidarity and awareness about the refugees is exactly what I was hoping and asking for with this online petition in the previous six months. The generosity and kind gestures from the Europeans are overwhelming. I wish everyone would be ALWAYS that kind, thoughtful, giving, caring, loving, understanding, supportive and helpful to humans in need, and not only when they feel threatened, scared, worried, and unsure about their own life and existence!
The huge amount of money that European countries and their governments are donating to help Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees right now is truly a miracle. The BIG question is where is all the money coming from? How come, those refugees from 2015 are still struggling in refugee camps under the most inhuman and disgusting living conditions with absolutely no sign of help and support wide and bride? How come no one was willing to help them to settle down and have a normal and safe life in dignity? Why didn’t governments donate this huge amount of money to help the millions of refugees so far? WHY?
What the UK is doing right now with its “Homes for Ukraine refugee scheme program” should have been the solution for all the refugees from 2015. Instead, they have been treated like garbage, dirt, and disease and were forced to suffer in silence for way too many years!
We don’t know what the future brings. And trust me; the last thing I want is to experience a second war! I have already lost so much because of one war in my childhood in my beloved country. I don’t think that I can handle another war in the heart of Europe!
Let’s hope and pray that this nightmare will end as soon as possible. Every single day that’s goes by is a human crime. Every single death is a disgrace to humanity! Let’s pray that the Ukrainian refugees will have a happy future in their adopted countries, where they are not only welcome for now! I hope they will also be welcome with open arms and opportunities when this war comes to an end while they have settled down under such horrible circumstances – a new life overnight from zero to an uncertain future. I hope the refugees won’t be forced to leave by law and can live a happy life without prejudice, discrimination, rejection, and bureaucracy!
The song “Blood is always red!” will be out on 22.3.22 and available on all streaming platforms!
My thoughts and prayers are with every single person who is now experiencing bloody bomb attacks in the war zone, as well as those who have left their country and are now facing the challenging journey as refugees!!!
03/09/2022, 01:00
Press review by openPetition
02/23/2022, 17:08
Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter
As already announced in my previous email, my song4refugees “80 Million People!” is out now and available on all streaming platforms: ffm.to/r25x5yy
As far as I know, no former refugees or international artist has ever released a song to this date to bring awareness about the plight of refugees worldwide. I hope with the miracle of music, my powerful lyrics, and the strong vocals by British singer, songwriter, and producer Thir13een we can make this petition happen!
The following press release was sent out this week to 500+ news websites, TV & Radio, Trade/Industry, national and International News sites.
Former Refugee, Lily Amis, Releases New Song To Help Bring Awareness To The Plight Of Refugees
The sensational song titled “80 Million People!,” was performed by British R&B and soul singer, songwriter, and producer, Thir13een, and is scheduled to be released on all streaming platforms on the 22nd of February, 2022
February 17th, 2022: Lily Amiss is pleased to announce that she will be releasing a new song to bring awareness to the plight of refugees. The Iranian born writer hopes that the miracle of music and the power of lyrics will be a wake-up call for privileged people who have a negative view of refugees and don’t show a sign of empathy, understanding, or support for their horrible living conditions.
Titled 80 Million People!, the meaningful lyrics of the new song were written by Lily Amis during the global pandemic and will be performed by the British R&B and soul singer, songwriter, and producer, Thrir13een from London. Scheduled to be released on the 22nd of February, 2022, 80 Million People is a clarion call for empathy, kindness, and the nurturing of the world's collective humanity.
Lily Amiss is an Iranian born Children and YA writer, Blogger, Lyricist, and Voice4refugees. Lily became a refugee at the tender age of 10, forced to witness the horrors and mayhem of the Iran-Iraq war which broke out in 1980. And even after more than three decades, the songwriter says her mind is still fresh with the memory of the carnage, hinting that the scars of war are never truly forgotten.
"The sound of the bombs dropping has stayed with me. It was like a firework, and even now after more than 30 years, when everyone is happy about fireworks, it still sounds to me like those bombs dropping."
According to Lily, her goal now is to raise as much awareness about the horrible plight of refugees and inspire people all over the world to take willful action, towards changing the way foreigners in distress are being treated, when they relocate seeking sanctuary. The brilliant author artfully captured her experience as a refugee, in a memoir titled Destination: Freedom (also published as The Stolen Years In Zurich), and is currently responsible for an online petition - #HumanityB4Nationality, which seeks to change the refugee law regarding education and integration rights worldwide.
“We have witnessed this horrible humanitarian crisis for over a decade. It is time to make a fundamental change and rescue the refugees from their life of misery. Refugees deserve a life of dignity. Safety and privacy, housing and food, medical and sociological care, and guidance for participating in the legal asylum-seeking process.”
The #HumanityB4Nationality petition is also available in German, Italian, Spanish, and French.
While the world awaits the release of 80 Million People, the lyrics to the sensational piece of music can be read by clicking on the following link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBRkEVFadmk