Foreign affairs

Accelerate process Ukraine in the EU

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
European Union

72 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

72 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted on 27 Feb 2022
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


04/27/2023, 02:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

02/28/2022, 18:55

Just some wording changed in order to be more precise

New title: Accelerate process Ukraine in the EU

Neue Begründung:

Although the EU and Ukraine signed an EU Association agreement in 2017 that foresaw future economic and political cooperation, it has recently hesitated to welcome Ukraine as a member state due to its failed Russian appeasement politics. The EU has studiously avoided conflict with Putin whose goals should have been clear to all: to weaken the EU, rebuild a Russian Empire in Europe by annexing Ukraine and Belarus, and generally upset the post-Cold War security order in Europe and redraw maps and borders to his liking.  Aliking. A megalomania not seen in Europe since the era of Hitler and Stalin.  Stalin.

It should belatedly be clear by now, the Russian war on Ukraine is due to the failure of EU politics, and Ukrainians have been paying with their lives for the appeasement and empty promises of the West, since 2014.

 Now, as never before, Ukraine needsbefore, Ukraine needs an EU decision to become a EU candidate and accelerateaccelerate process to become a EU member.  Bymember. By defending European and Western values and goals not only on paper, but withbut lives ofwith lives of Ukrainians, Ukraine has proven it deserves to be part of the family of nations inside the European Union.

The brave and heroic Ukrainian nation urgently needs this clear signal from EU to keep their fighting spirit against unprovoked aggression and keep defending European values, democracy and freedom in the whole Europe and the whole world.

Signatures at the time of the change: 61

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