
Securing Our Digital Future: A CERN for Open Source large-scale AI Research and its Safety

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  1. Pokrenut ožujka 2023
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Predano na dan 01.06.2023
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Zbog čega je peticija vrijedna podrške?

Napiši argument

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Ill intent

Progressing towards a possibly brighter future with AI, one thing truly stands in our way, AI with its unknown reaches falling to the hands of large powers of ill intent. We've been dealing with this throughout history but now the game board is different and the full capabilities of these tools are quite literally beyond grasp. If things go well the biggest danger are these Powers of ill intent utilizing these super tools to inflict unspeakable horrors on the people

Izvor: None


Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

AI could be one of the biggest technological advancements of our time, allowing us to solve various other problems facing humanity. Its misuse may also be one of the biggest threats to humanity. AI will be far more crucial to the development of humankind in the next few decades than particle physics. As such, large-scale research should be an international effort, on the scale of CERN or bigger.



Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

If this technology is closed, it will further widen the gap in society, with the most powerful people being able to utilize it for their own gains, whilst simultaneously restricting the development of other. Open Sourcing ensures that everyone has equal access to the technology and can collectively work together for the betterment of humanity.



4 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

2 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

1 Protuargumenat
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Accelerating AI research is critical for human progress. As global challenges like climate change, and economic inequality intensify, AI offers transformative solutions. It can optimize renewable energy systems, develop novel treatments, and automate mundane tasks. By investing in AI, we ensure that it remains safe, ethical, and governed by values that benefit humanity. Rapid AI advancements will catalyze scientific breakthroughs and drive economic growth, leading us towards a brighter future.



Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Augmentation, data privacy, greater good

When AI is our future, it should reflect the common knowledge we've created as humans. AI has the potential to augment us, to democratize knowledge, and to reduce inequality when used and trained properly. We should welcome the ability to use such models locally. Let's use AI for the greater good, trained on our collective knowledge and experience, for the benefit of us and the planet that hosts us.



Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.


Što ne ide u prilog peticije?

Napiši argument

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

2 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

3 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

2 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

EXISTENTIAL RISK Do we want to gives to every human the capability to have intelligence at home in order to engineer potentially lethal patents like proven in the NATURE article from last year ? No. Do we want to accelerate research on a paradigm creating unreliable, unpredictible, and gazlighting machines, litteral Black boxes ? No. Do we want to accelerate Research on creating more and more powerful systems while we have no idea of how to steer a Super Intelligent AI ? No.

Izvor: Basic Argumentation


3 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Oppose, unethical AI, grifters, scam

Since Laion datasets are created through scraping private, intelectual and copyrighted property continuing their development should be stopped and regulated. Further asking for open source AI created out of copyrighted material equals to stealing that many artists already complained about and hopefully will also start lawsuit against this as well.

Izvor: CAA lawsuit, Getty images lawsuit, Shutterstock lawsuit, Glaze project, Hive project.


3 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

2 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

#illegal, #open source, #copyrighted,#Egair, #Lawsuit

Oppose, unethical AI, stealing datas from artists, illegally used of fair-use. Since Laion datasets are created through a scrape of the web, with any consideration on intelectual and © property, continuing their development should be stopped and regulated. Advocacy for open source AI created out of © material is an illegall behaviour an act of stealing the work of so many alive artists so that why I hope that we, artists, will have the possibility to start lawsuit against Liaon as well.

Izvor: Source: CAA lawsuit and and Stable Diffusion litigation lawsuit


3 Protuargumenti
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

The petition assumes that the current, extremely expensive, large language models are the most promising direction in AI research.While these models have many interesting properties, their lack of truthfulness makes them unfit for most applications. We do need a computing facility of the kind proposed, but this petition over-sells one specific AI approach. We need greater diversity of approaches.

Izvor: Thomas Dietterich, Oregon, USA


1 Protuargumenat
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

collecting children abuse for collection, keeping exploitative images and links toward children, private children photos, abuse of children, allowing creation of realisting imagery of children abuse

Laion collects and keeps following data: Child abuse, Child pornography, private medical images that were uploaded and transfered between doctor and private persons, abuse of women, non consentual use of private information. All of this was proven in every data set so far. And was as such reported to multiple legal teams.

Izvor: laion-aesthetic.datasette.io/laion-aesthetic-6pls


1 Protuargumenat
Pokažite protuargumente

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

How to trust the requests of a company whose data use permissions were limited by law to research uses only and that under a clear conflict of interest granted said data to companies with commercial interests? Those who were the first to use data that did not belong to them cannot be specifically trusted by giving it to companies with commercial interests



Odgovori protuargumentom

Objavljivanjem svog posta prihvaćam Uvjete korištenja i Pravila privatnosti s openPetition . Uvrede, klevete i neistinite izjave bit će prijavljene.

Pomoć jačanju građanske participacije. Želimo da vaše zabrinutosti budu saslušane dok ne postanete neovisni.
