Civil rights


Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
President and government of Ukraine

2,346 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

2,346 signatures

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: President and government of Ukraine

Please allow the students to temporarily leave the country during the war.
Currently, the situation is extremely complicated and ambiguous - full-time students who are not subject to mobilization (Article 23 of the Law on Mobilization) must prove to to the military registration and enlistment office and to the borders control service that they have the right to leave the country and seek a safe place abroad. The government numerous times said that they won't require students without military experience to enlist in the army. But they won't allow them to be safe from russian missiles either.
In addition, we would like to draw attention to the fact that in Article 23 students are listed in the same clause as those citizens who have killed or lost relatives in the ATO (name of the war that was going on in East of Ukraine since 2014), and who, in practice, are included in the list of male citizens who are allowed to leave the country by border control service.
Currently, students can't even be sure that the mobilisation centers in the West won't force them to enlist since draft commissions for people without military experience do not work, or work with extreme prejudice and it is impossible for students to get a stamp of deferment from conscription in the enlistment office.
However, we also observe the influence of the human factor, namely that some rare military registration and enlistment offices put a stamp on deferment of conscription after weeks of arguing, some send people to military registration and enlistment offices at the place of residence (many of which are currently closed, namely Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol, etc.). Some simply argue that they do not want to do so (even though the Law says that they should)
In addition, many universities are located in Kharkiv, Kyiv, and currently do not have the physical capacity to even provide proof that a person is studying at their institution. And many enlistment centers refuses to not mobilize students without those documents.
We ask kindly you to refute the procedure for students to go abroad and allow them to leave upon presentation of a student card (including PhD student card), which certifies the student of which university is a person, the student card also has a photo of the owner. Or any other documents that can proof that the person is currently studying in the University.
In general, students are young men who have no military experience and are not ready to take part in armed conflict.
The actions of the military enlistment offices, bureaucracy and confusion only create obstacles for the training and development of young professionals, because all students are now receiving education to improve life in our country, to rebuild it after victory.
Students are the future of our state, but now the issue of their safety is entrenched in the bureaucracy and personal preferences of representatives of military enlistment offices (now the Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support)


Students are young adults (rarely over 25 y. o.) who don't have military experience and are more valuable alive rather than as Cannon Fodder (in Ukrainian - Meat Shields).
At the moment government assures that they won't forcefully enlist students, but by temporary leaving the country not only will they be able to stay safe during those hard times, but they also will have a reliable access to the Internet which will allow them to continue studying using online tools (zoom, Google classroom, etc.)
Link to the law:

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Petition details

Petition started: 03/22/2022
Petition ends: 05/17/2022
Region: European Union
Topic: Civil rights

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Not yet a PRO argument.

I do understand students want to have a good life. But what about others who are not as priveledged as them. With less money or brains. Their lives disrupted, families with young children who are ripped apart? Are students more special? Do they have more rights? Are they more needed to rebuild the country? If you want to change laws, think about others as well. Equal rights...

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