Bölge : Għawdex

The Monument for Ġużè Aquilina

Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Maltese, Gozitans

13 imzalar

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

13 imzalar

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

  1. Başladı Eylül 2024
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderime hazırla
  4. Alıcı ile iletişim kutusu
  5. Karar

Dilekçe şu adrese gönderiliyor: Maltese, Gozitans

The Local Council had started discussions with the Ministry for Gozo in order to construct and install a monument for Professor Ġużè Aquilina in Munxar. Aquilina was a resident of Munxar who is considered to be the father of the Maltese language because of his contribution towards the Maltese language, as a matter of fact, the Munxar playing field was named after this respectable individual.


The Local Council had started discussions with the Ministry for Gozo in order to construct and install a monument for Professor Ġużè Aquilina in Munxar. Aquilina was a resident of Munxar who is considered to be the father of the Maltese language because of his contribution towards the Maltese language, as a matter of fact, the Munxar playing field was named after this respectable individual.

Desteğiniz için teşekkür ederiz, Sarah Pisani , Mqabba
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Dilekçe detayları

Dilekçe başlatıldı: 10.09.2024
Dilekçe biter: 09.03.2025
Bölge : Għawdex
Konu: Kültür


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