Alueella: Għawdex

The Monument for Ġużè Aquilina

Vetoomus on osoitettu
Maltese, Gozitans

13 allekirjoitukset

Keräys valmis

13 allekirjoitukset

Keräys valmis

  1. Aloitti syyskuuta 2024
  2. Keräys valmis
  3. Valmistele hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Vetoomus on osoitettu: Maltese, Gozitans

The Local Council had started discussions with the Ministry for Gozo in order to construct and install a monument for Professor Ġużè Aquilina in Munxar. Aquilina was a resident of Munxar who is considered to be the father of the Maltese language because of his contribution towards the Maltese language, as a matter of fact, the Munxar playing field was named after this respectable individual.


The Local Council had started discussions with the Ministry for Gozo in order to construct and install a monument for Professor Ġużè Aquilina in Munxar. Aquilina was a resident of Munxar who is considered to be the father of the Maltese language because of his contribution towards the Maltese language, as a matter of fact, the Munxar playing field was named after this respectable individual.

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Vetoomus alkoi: 10.09.2024
Vetoomus päättyy: 09.03.2025
Alueella: Għawdex
Aihe: Kulttuuri


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