Region: Luxembourg
Image of the petition Limit in-room confinement during layovers and mitigate its consequences
Civil rights

Limit in-room confinement during layovers and mitigate its consequences

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
Cargolux senior management
0 supporters

Petition process is finished

0 supporters

Petition process is finished

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

Dear Richard,

we, the undersigned Cargolux Pilots, herewith voice our grave concerns about the practice of in-room and hotel confinement in the following.

This has been put in place at several stations so far, namely BKK, HKG, SIN. Whilst the number of affected destinations may well be growing further with the onset of the influenza season, a disproportionately high number of flight transit through these destinations already at this time.

Of note, we speak as individuals who have been personally affected by these restrictions. As a group we are independent from the ALPL.


As you are undoubtedly aware, the contentious issue of personal confinement is causing tremendous concern amongst our crews.

Whilst we understand that this may be operationally necessary, the general morale amongst affected crews is increasingly critical. Confinement causes both mental and physical issues which, if not addressed in the very near future, will foreseeably cause detrimental health outcomes amongst a substantial number of crew members, thence cause serious flight safety issues and will, as such, seriously jeopardize the long term viability of our operation.

While we are a company-minded and motivated workforce driving the day-to-day operation seamlessly, safely and professionally, the continued exposure to in-room confinement is beyond our call of duty and is in no way covered by the applicable CWA.

Specifically, the amount of Off days we are normally entitled is, from our experience, insufficient to recover from the detrimental health effects of extended confinement endured on a trip.

Despite fully recognizing the challenges for our business created by COVID-19, we maintain that, in order to continue running our highly profitable operation, the pilot community is disproportionally burdened outside of the scope of their job description when compared to any other group of employees.

Therefore, we urge the Board of Directors and Excom to implement immediate mitigating procedures that will recompense crews who are affected by this and suggest the best way to keep morale amongst crews at an acceptable level as the high season approaches is the allocation of extra rest days at home base to compensate for any suffered in-room or hotel confinement.

We, the undersigned, herewith call upon you as CEO to urgently review the matter for the reasons outlined bove and address it with the urgency it merits, as failure to deliver an adequate response will only aggravate the issue further.

Even though local procedures are beyond Cargolux´ circle of influence, this does not relieve the employer of exercising its duty of care for its employees.

Rest assured that we have the best intentions and goodwill to cooperate based on mutual trust for the benefit of Cargolux and its employees.

We would appreciate your answer as soon as practicable.

Yours sincerely,

the undersigned

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