Region: Luxembourg
Image of the petition Busconnection from Gare centrale-Stausee
Traffic & transportation

Busconnection from Gare centrale-Stausee

Petition is directed to
0 supporters

Petition process is finished

0 supporters

Petition process is finished

  1. Launched June 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Finished

Me and my friends love going to the stausee but its really complicated to get there without a car because you have to take 3 buses and it is a trip of 2,5 hours.We think that its a good idea for there to be a bus during summertime


We think that the buses would be filled and we could get rid of cars in this domain

Thank you for your support, Flyn Schütz from Tetange
Question to the initiator

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