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A petíciót a petíció benyújtója visszavonta
A petíció címzettje: Dr. Tóth Ágnes PhD, METU vezérigazgató
Many of you as may experienced, the quality of e-education is not the same that we used to have at university. The difference is especially big when we have practical classes online. So, that's why we're asking the leadership of METU, that they'd reduce our tuition fees!
Many of the students do not have the same hardware and sofware at home as at the university. Basically that means: we cann't develop our skills as fast as we'd planned. A reasonable discount would be a kind of compensaton for it!
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A petíció elkezdődött:
2020. 04. 01.
A petíció véget ér:
2020. 05. 31.
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