Regio: Genk
Afbeelding van de petitie Proposal for better coordination of Public Transport between Hasselt and Thor Park, Genk

Proposal for better coordination of Public Transport between Hasselt and Thor Park, Genk

Petitie is gericht aan
Genk city council

204 handtekeningen

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

204 handtekeningen

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

  1. Begonnen mei 2024
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Overdracht voorbereiden
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

De petitie is gericht aan: Genk city council

We are writing to address a significant challenge faced by our students and staff concerning the daily commute between Hasselt and EnergyVille, Genk. The current public transport options are not only insufficient but have also become a considerable hindrance to our operational efficiency and environmental goals. The travel from Hasselt to EnergyVille, including a connection at Genk station, is notably unreliable, where even slight delays can result in missed buses, subsequently affecting punctuality at work and simply takes up too much time. Such frequent disruptions have understandably led to diminished productivity and escalating mental stress among our students and staff. Moreover, these travel difficulties extend to our collaborative efforts with various Flemish institutions and adversely affect our capability to host and manage significant events. The lack of adequate shelter at bus stops, particularly in adverse weather conditions, further discourages the use of public transport. The perception of Thor Park being remotely located further complicates our efforts to attract international talent. Additionally, the increased reliance on private vehicles contradicts our mission by contributing to higher pollution levels. 


Given these challenges, we propose that we initiate a better coordination and provision of current public transportation between Hasselt and Thor Park. Interestingly, a recent internal survey indicated a substantial portion of our students and staff are interested in a bus line between Hasselt and Thor Park, Genk. We believe that by addressing these transportation issues, we can significantly improve our productivity, employee satisfaction, environmental impact, and potential to attract top national and international talent and events.

Bedankt voor je steun, EnergyVille uit Genk
Vraag voor de initiatiefnemer

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Gegevens met betrekking tot de petitie

Petitie gestart: 22-05-2024
De petitie eindigt: 20-08-2024
Regio: Genk
Categorie: Vervoer

The last few kilometers from Genk Station to Thorpark take the longest time per distance travelled, which is one of the main reasons why travelers do not see Thorpark as an appealing place to travel to such as employees. This is also frowned upon by international visitors or partners who often use international transport means and get affected by this missing link. Public taxi services are also not available making Thorpark seem very far away from the world.

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