08.05.2021, 17:18
There is news coverage all over the web but with contradicting infos.
Unluckily also wrong ones.
Some examples (german links):
Some of these are fake news or only misleading information.
An obligatory registration in gastronomy is still on the agenda!
The fact can be found for example on the website of social welfare department(english):
Note: It says mandatory registration (obligatory registration is a synonym for this).
Personally speaking the webpage of social welfare deparment is pretty good source on COVID-laws you have a relatively good overview, up to date details, and some foreign translations.
(Thats not meaning I compliment the politicans or COVID-laws and decrees.
Because if they were more predictable and wouldn't change every week it be much better.
And communcation still is laking!).
Anyway, please share with freinds, family/relatives and other people(under safe circumstances like phone,webpages,sms/social media) so they also get updates or get to know the petition.
You are the voice of the idea!
Thank you, you all are "leiwand" (austrian for: awesome/great)!