
Override mandatory registration! Make our gastronomy free again without data collecting!

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Committee for Petitions and Citizens' Initiatives

473 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde nicht entsprochen

473 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde nicht entsprochen

  1. Gestartet 2021
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht am 31.08.2021
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet


15.02.2023, 12:11

Dear supporter!

Thank you for supporting our previous petition.

Unluckily after we had economical issues and freedom of travel was disband and limited (vaccination passports we remember them all) now our peace in the European Union is at stake.

So what do we do? I don't know. But if its good forcsomething I started a petition to end it. before it escalates further:

You are once again invited to help us. Thank you for you're precious time!!letsstopawar

Kind regards

20.12.2021, 14:33

Lieber Unterstützender!

Sie erinnern sich vielleicht oder auch nicht:
Wegen der Stadt-Wien(SPÖ) blieb die Registrierungspflicht in Kraft.

Und nun hat die SPÖ unter Führung von Dr. Rendi-Wagner außerdem der Bundesregierung bei der Impfpflicht zugestimmt.

Was indirekt einem baldiges 1G in der Gastronomie zusätzlich bringen könnte, früher oder später...

Sie wollen dagegen was unternommen, einen Denkzettel erteilen? Ich auch.
Wir empfehlen das #rendirücktrittsbegehren

Währenddessen gibt es zumindest einen kleinen Lichtblick aus Deutschland:
NRW und Bayern haben die Registrierungspflicht gekippt!,Slu1a8v

Immerhin in Deutschland hat man es schon Mal kapiert, hoffentlich bald auch bei uns.

Lieben Gruß Benjamin

22.10.2021, 23:08

Dear supporters! Thank you for your loyal help in making this petition so long-lasting and so successful. That was a merit of each of you not me. And with that in mind, I must announce that I am now shelving the petition as a failure. We had the hope that in the event of a change of government or "Free Play of forrces" a suspension of the registration requirement would come to the political agenda at least for the fall of 2021. The quick change of the highly popular Sebastian Kurz (from whom we will certainly hear politically for a longer time what we have to do) to the placeholder Schallenberg (what is his first name?) took the wind out of the sails of this possibility. Whether fortunately, I do not know. However, the nationalities is more important 90-100% Durchimpfuquote with the crowbar to achieve although already mutations are to have arisen where the current vaccines hardly show effect. 3G is better than 1G that is why we have never tried to fight this concept in the form of a petition. But still a cut clear before 2020 life was freer! In this sense, may 2022 be better and people realize that you simply can not control a pandemic just as natural disasters!

Stay stong, stay human!

23.07.2021, 16:10

Dokument anzeigen

Liebe Unterstützer!

Wir haben es gewagt die österreichweite Petition bei Pia Philipa Strache(Nationalratsabgeordnete ohne Fraktion) einzubringen.

Nicht weil sie mit dem ehemaligen Vizebürgermeister verheiratet ist, nicht weil sie vorher bei der FPÖ war, sondern aufgrund ihrer Wirtschaftlichen Know-Hows, und ihrer überparteilichkeit (für SPÖ, Team Stronach und die FPÖ gearbeitet) und weil Sie die richtigen Social Media -Skills und die Connections(ex-Wettermoderatiin von oe24) hat um das Thema Registrierungspflicht gut medial zu verbreiten und politisch doch halbwegs neutral zu sein.

Noch gibt es keine Antwort aber das liegt sicher an der Sommerpause des Parlaments.

Wenn jemand von euch Unterstützer der Petition(mit 469 Unterstüzern in österreich) liest und nun sagt : Pahh meine Unterschrift wird an ihr verschwendet: Bedenkt die Alternative wäre gewesen knapp 500 Briefe auzusenden an 500 Haushalte und dann zu erwarten, dass genau 500 zurückkommen unterschrieben und alles drum und dran.

Natürlich hätte man dem Formular eine Briefmarke beilegen können, aber ich denke die wenigsten wären motiviert genug gewesen so einen "Wisch" zu unterschreiben. So haben die Wienweite Petition auch gerade mal 38 Personen im Moment unterstützt und da ist noch keiner meiner Freunde oder Familienmitglieder noch eingerechnet also sobald es bei Themen die wichtig sind darum geht behaarlich zu sein gehen leider viele nicht mehr die Extrameile.

Das ist keine Kritik, kein Vorwurft, nur eine Beobachtung und gleichzeitig Erklärung wieso wir den "bequemen Weg" nun gehwählt haben.

Über die 2.Peition hätten wir nämlich duchaus locker zusammen mit den 469 die 500 geschafft, daran häts nicht gelegen eher am Monster Bürokratie(Orignalunterschriften...). Das wird bei der Übermittlung einer Petition an einem Politiker interessanterweise nicht so verlangt...

Der nächste Schritt wäre dann, dass die Nationalratabgeordnete dieses Formular hier(ich habe es euch angehängt damit ihr seht wie es für euch formuliert habe)
an den Nationalratsa-Präsidente Wolfgang Sobotka überreicht.

Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes Wochenende!
Ich hoffe euch bald Infos übermitteln zu können ob die Petition schon eingericht wurde bzw. dem Ergebnis.
Danke sehr für eine großartige Zusammenarbeit bisher und Geduld bereits an dieser Stelle!


18.07.2021, 12:04


First, I must apologize, the petition has not yet established a dialogue with the recipient.
I had to choose an option in a drop-down to mail about the news and there are always only these options here.

I had an idea for a youtube contest that you may participate in.
The rules are as follows:
It is planned that all interested people with a youtube account upload a video (or even more than one!) on youtube until July 25rd 10:00 o'clock in the morning (the time doesn't matter in principle I thought 7 days are fair) and then give a reason why you want to get rid of the mandatory obligation.

It doesn't matter if you show your face or feel more comfortable with sunglasses or even a mask or just plain text.
And the second rule is: We all use one of these 3 tags when specifying the keywords, tags on youtube.
Tags you can find in the video details, after you uploaded a video on youtube, you have to click there "Show more"(see also in the attachment where you can find it approximately).
I suggest everyone use at least one of these 3 tags:
"Freie Gastronomie ≠ Datensammelei", "registrierungsfrei","ichbrauchkaapp".

You can also come up with your own tags, but one of these 3 tags MUST be there otherwise I won't find your video :D.
And the next step is up to me:
I'll see how many participants there were and depending on that I'll pick one of your videos every week and put it in the petition section here for the Viennese-registration
or any further petition from us where the topic mandatory registration is part of it.
Unless you then say "no I personally do not need this I am now Youtube star noe". We like to respect that!

I would then suggest that by 31.12.2021 at the latest a winner is chosen, so the video with the most likes or views(is pretty equal to me^^).
But I'm more for the likes because they are harder to manipulate ;).
And whose video remains then "our" official petition video.

Good luck to all interested participants in the contest.
May the "games begin" :D

P.s. Since this e-mail should also have information character.

Now, on the one hand, restrictions are to be decided again soon:

The details I spare you (are eh in the article), Currently only advised.
Tell you honestly I'm very annoyed what happens there!
It's funny that none of us sits in such a coronavirus task force, I think each of us would have many reasons to enumerate with the mentioned tightening at least until (early) autumn to wait.
But whatever!

I hope it is in your sense:
As you may remember 1 month ago, I brought the possibility of a Parliamentary Citizens' Initiative into play.
But there was a second possibility, according to Parliament Homepag reads:
"In order to bring an issue before the National Council as a citizen, there is, in addition to the parliamentary citizens' initiative, the possibility of a petition, where only the support of a National Council member is necessary."

I was still against it because I was sure that we would manage the 500 signatures, and apparently that didn't work out with the extension of the petition.
My mistake.
So I will if this is in your sense, contact with a delegate a delegate and request our petition to bring in.
So a.) we do not have to send annoying notes by letter
b.) We don't have to wait until we have 500 of them - the 469 are enough (it would have been nice without the help of a politician).
c.) We have also a "means of pressure" ready to hand, if that is true what the Minister of Health Dr. Mückstein, there over our heads decides.

It is also in such a way (therefore I came to this decision, instead of the paper variant...) that one Petition on openpetition 2x do not appear publicly listed:
In the terms of use it says namely:
"Restricted petitions
Petitions that are the same or similar in content to petitions that are already running will not be listed publicly, but can still be signed. In the interest of the cause, as many signatures as possible should be bundled under one petition."

And since that would be a disadvantage for us because the petition would be "hidden" so to speak, we would then have fewer signatures.
I also think: Many of you do not want to sign this petition for the 3rd or 4th time (I would also have the snout full at some point).

So another confession: I had so far no contacts to the current parliamentarians but I think to me there is surely because one or the other, which burns on a chance after something more attention in the parliament and over the rail I will try it.

If I should fail with the handing over I will let you know of course.
Atleast we now have a contingency plan atleast.
P.p.s: Please let me know if you need an english translation for the vienesse petition against mandatory registration if you want to support it aswell.

Best regards and nice weekend

10.07.2021, 10:43

Dear Viennese, dear supporters from Austria!
In principle, I write this mail only on the occasion of Vienna but I can
but I can't send it only to one federal state, so forgive me if it bothers you.
Thank you for your patience!

Shortly to the Austria-wide petition that was now brought in by openPetition, even if not quite 500 signatures came about.
I am curious how it will go on for Austria.

Now to the new topic:
This time it is only about Vienna-related.
All those who are not at home in Vienna can ignore this e-mail, unless you want to recommend the action to Viennese friends and so on ;) or are curious.

Apparently our previous petition and the resistance against the registration obligation did not make enough impression in Vienna.
There are also people who believe that the new regulation (testing from the age of 6) as well as the continuation of the
registration obligation are connected with the PCR-tests, whereas
I exclude that at least in the case of the government obligation because
Tested, vaccinated, recovered must still be in all states.
I have started a new petition only for Vienna, which is directed for the abrogation of the registration obligation in Vienna by the city of Vienna.
This is again on openpetition because the experience was good.

Here is the petition for Vienna:

Unfortunately, one did not want to believe me at first, although besides Zib
and Fellner Live also the Kurier and many other media reported about it.
So I had to add more sources so that the petition can be started.

Possible would also have been on the website of the city of Vienna to bring a petition but only with citizen card or would have had to express a form and then send by letter including proof of identity (madness there is the possibility of a parliamentary citizens' initiative even slightly less complex.), that I think would not have been in your sense.
For those who do not want to believe that this is so the links:

What is new about the Vienna petition?
This time it is about the whole
Registration obligation I mean why register in the open-air swimming pool? I understand
almost even less than the Gastro in the open air. Besides, the new infection figures do not show that.
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Balkans) is the only country in Europe without contact tracing.
Do we hear about many infected people there?
At least I don't.

There is a lot going on!

So dear Viennese please support the following petition if you are not icing anyway in summer or say you stay at home.
Of course, you can go to the other 8 provinces but that is not possible for everyone
and certainly not useful in the long term.
Vorallem in the regard that many of us were certainly also regulars in some pubs for usually.
So we try to make the best of the situation.
That the summer will not be normal I think we all knew, but hmm that what is going on now you can not ignore.
It is also about how it will be next year.

By the way, I was thinking we could if who of you
YouTube videos make a contest.
For example everybody who is interested in making a video with reasons
against a Viennese registration obligation and which for example gets the most likes
which gets the most likes, we put it on the petition page, so that everybody who
can see it until July 2022.

With kind regards

Benjamin Heinrich Pachner

Auf Deutsch lest ihr die Mail hier:

26.06.2021, 03:25

As long as we do not know how it continues in Austria, it is good that we have this petition on openpetition so we can quickly network and if necessary start a parliamentary citizens' initiative to override mandatory registration requirement in 2022!

Neues Zeichnungsende: 27.07.2021
Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 473 (469 in Österreich)

19.06.2021, 10:49

Deutsche Übersetzung hier:

Dear supporter of the petition!

With the beginning of the European Soccer Championship 2020 ("Fußball EM 2020") I have temporarily paused my activities to spread the petition.
That means: Because of the current UEFA Euro 2020 I currently have not spread any information about the petition anymore.

I don't know how it is with you, but I was already a bit exhausted because I hardly found time for other activities.

Regarding the news reports of the last days I want to inform also about the following "announcement" on the part of the Federal Government which would "theoretically" mean we were successfully with the petition:
The APA (Austria Press Agency) writes:
"With 22 July, the registration obligation in the catering industry and at events is to end. According to APA information, the waiver of this possibility of contact tracing is said to have been a rather controversial point in the coalition. In general, the ÖVP and the Greens haggled over the opening measures until the very end, so the press conference started with some delay."

The email today is purely informative so that you know "What's next for the petition or the planned parliamentary citizens' initiative".
So I am not sending this email because I think you need to get more e-mails^^.
The reason of this e-mail was I was ready to send you the parliamentary citizens' initiative" to fill out when we reach 500 supporters.
But that was still under the condition that nothing changes until then about the mandatory registration.

Now what a federal government announces in the media and what it decides are two different things.
Of course that is positive if this outcome is going to be true.
But to cancel the petition now from my side would be fatal.
Why this is so: On, if possible, no petition should be created twice.
So if we would decide: Super petition is closed, goal achieved.
I would have done that quite gladly, because I really like to think in numbers. And I would prefer to have an average of 10 people a day having signed the petition over 1 or 2 people.
Then we might have a problem later on:
If there is ever again a mandatory registration in the Gastronomy in Austria (data collection and an unfree Gastronomy again) and all the restrictions, then it would be difficult to speak up against it, because we would have to start again completely from zero.
Because the summer afters this years (2022) will certainly come aswell.
And as they say "trust is good, but control is better".
So I leave open to each of you, whether he/she revokes the petition support in the meantime and then if necessary again sign again or keep his support online here in between on standby.
So now you know my decision: We extend the petition at least until 2022 and I will do so on the 26th of June.
(I write you that so that no one has the feeling he/she has been deceived because it says the petition ends with 27.06).

In any case, we all (including you if someone else wants to take over the petition) have already created a base to be able to turn at any time to the parliament because 462 Austrians know the petition now already.

I would support any petitions to counter the several measurements including the mandatory registration if anybody of you starts one one day.
The goal of this petition was and remains however: One may not restrict our civil liberties!
That was a decisive motive for my decision: We will let the petition continue until summer 2022!
I'm just telling you and this is not meant to be a comparison: In the USA after "9/11" the liberties of citizens were also restricted immensely.
Think none of us wants to experience something like in the U.S. and also not the restrictions again which came into force since the pandemic.

As long as we do not know what will happen next in Austria, it is good that we citizens have platforms like openpetition and others where we can share common ideas and goals and work to realize them even if the politicians should have completely different ones.
So we can quickly network and if necessary a parliamentary citizen initiative that overrides mandatory registration in 2022!

I think the petition and especially how you have eagerly informed friends, relatives, acquaintances, Internet contacts, etc.has contributed to the fact that this restrictions were lifted.
Some weeks ago on the net I already read on completely different channels e.g. Twitter noticeable resistance against the mandatory registration in gastronmy, the Austrians have again more dared to take position to uncomfortable measurments being decrees or laws and also bugging government members with more critical questions even stating facts about this decree and the mandatory registration in general and its validity.
I thank you for the great support this year!
Let us remain vigilant!

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