
Override mandatory registration! Make our gastronomy free again without data collecting!

Petent/in nicht öffentlich
Petition richtet sich an
Committee for Petitions and Citizens' Initiatives

473 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde nicht entsprochen

473 Unterschriften

Der Petition wurde nicht entsprochen

  1. Gestartet 2021
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Eingereicht am 31.08.2021
  4. Dialog
  5. Beendet


20.05.2021, 04:15

Theres actually no reason speaking against an opening al-fresco without mandatory registration and there can be hardly no weather excuse (if its not storm) like "because of rain" in the summer!

An excerpt from a article on yesterday's opening (with the conditions) follows:

"Weatherproof guests
During our local inspection in Leoben's city center, the pub gardens were only sparsely visited due to the bad weather. Weatherproof guests were seated under the expansive umbrellas, which today protected them not from the sun, but from the rain. So were Susanne Baumann and Gerald Kassik: "We're celebrating the fourth anniversary of our relationship, which is an occasion for a well-kept drink!" "

(The sentences quoted were automatically translated with


So you see if the politicans really wanted too it would work without registration!
And that with a safe distance and fresh air (as it is known that aerosols are the greatest risk to actually get an infection).

I also criticise the fact that the gastronomy according to politicians had to been opened so that there is no contagion in the private environment.
But with the politicians actually intensify the desire to meet privately with measures such as a mandatory registration in the gastronomy and many other places.

One feels almost like an FBI most wanted, the only thing missing really is that they take your fingerprints.

Secondly, I heard about the animap website on an Austrian television.
Allegedly locales are listed on where the 3Gs are not really checked.
Since here also some people had more problems with the vaccination proof and the 3Gs than the mandatory registration in general. I like to point it out: describes itself as an answer to a "threatening vaccination apartheid".

By the way, this does not mean that there is no registration!
In any case, I did not want to withhold this info from anyone.

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