Region: Norton
Traffic & transportation

Legalize Golf Cart use in The City of Norton

Petition is addressed to
Norton City Counsil

7 signatures

Collection finished

7 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched August 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: Norton City Counsil

I am a resident of Norton VA, USA and like many others in our community, I have experienced the convenience and efficiency that comes with using a golf cart on smaller, less traveled roadways. Golf carts use significantly less fuel than cars and trucks - an important consideration in these times of environmental consciousness. 

However, current regulations restrict the use of golf carts within city limits. This restriction not only hinders our ability to choose more environmentally friendly transportation options but also affects our daily convenience.

According to the U.S Department of Energy's data, golf carts can be up to 85% more energy-efficient than traditional vehicles on short trips. This statistic alone highlights how beneficial it would be for us as a community if we could legally drive golf carts within city limits. Norton is the smallest city in Virginia, Being able to drive to the park or your favorite place to eat would be very beneficial to the residents and would only invite businesses and opportunity to our area.

We are not asking for unrestricted access but rather sensible regulation that allows licensed residents to drive golf carts on designated roads where safety is not compromised.

By signing this petition, you are supporting an initiative that promotes environmental sustainability while also increasing transportation convenience for Norton residents. Please sign this petition today and help us make a positive change in our community's transportation options.


The Appalachians is an economically depressed area, where the jobs, and population, have decreased from later years. The area is on the rise because of grants and community leadership taking active rolls to entice businesses and people to come here and visit. Allowing this freedom will only make for a better tomorrow in our corner of the world.

Thank you for your support, Bryan Rentfrow from Norton
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 08/03/2024
Petition ends: 10/04/2024
Region: Norton
Topic: Traffic & transportation

Not yet a PRO argument.

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