9 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Arizona State Legislature
This is NOT a racial issue. It is simply a safety concern for the people of Arizona and the citizens of the United States. By all means, allow immigrants to enter our great Country... but only after proper vetting and through the legal channels already in place. We need to ensure that the people of Arizona are protected and feel safe within their own communities. The Trump deportation efforts are the first step in making this possible.
Nothing should be more important to the people of Arizona than the safety and security of their families. The loss of American lives to illegal immigrants should grieve all of us. This is not a racial issue or be looked at as a political party benefit. This is an opportunity for us to follow the current laws in place and immediately correct the incorrect path we are on. It starts with the Trump deportation efforts. Please sign the petition for the sake of your family and friends.
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Why people sign
We are over run by illegal aliens. They have raised crime, for one thing. I used to never lock my door if I was just dashing out for a minute. For years. I felt safe! Now there are so many crimes, I’m not safe anymore.
Why, as a taxpayer, am I supporting these thugs? It’s in the constitution to protect our country from invasion! Don’t just close the borders. Deport every last one. This is not racist. I don’t care what colors they are. They have their own country. I want mine back.
We must follow the law of the land, there are reasons they are in place. Too many illegals destroy a countries infrastructure and is dangerous to our people since they are not vetted. You don't want be responsible for those problems
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I believe in protecting our borders!