Petition No 0461/2020 by A.P. (Portuguese) on the lack of action of the European Union in the Covid 19 crisis 

Petition is addressed to
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

1 signatures

Collection finished

1 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Dies ist eine Online-Petition of the European Parliament.

This petition is also available in English .

Petition is addressed to: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner states that Europe is experiencing the worst health, economic and social crisis since World War II. Society is being devastated, unemployment is tragically increasing, misery is growing and populism is lurking. This crisis affects seriously and without exception all European countries. The danger is common and he accuses the European Union of inaction. He calls for the commitment of all EU countries in the recovery; otherwise, disaggregation will be inevitable. He calls for a second Marshall Plan, as in 1948-1951 when Europe was rescued from the rubble by great political leaders who knew how to guide the efforts of their peoples and design measures of enormous magnitude. According to the petitioner, the measures agreed so far against the crisis are weak, and will contribute to the spread of misery and the intensification of regional asymmetries. He calls for a united and prepared Europe: 1. To share suffering and successes 2. To look directly at the markets 3. To invest, rescue jobs, people, families, national health services and companies. 4. To finance themselves jointly, with state debt issues and the respective amortizations, in the long term, calls for the public finances of each country to be adapted without avoiding sacrifices for present and future generations.

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Petition details

Petition started: 06/06/2020
Petition ends: 06/05/2021
Region: European Union

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