On possible non-compliance with the Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020 

Petición a.
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

2 Firmas

Colecta terminada.

2 Firmas

Colecta terminada.

  1. Iniciado 2019
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Preparar presentación.
  4. Diálogo con destinatario
  5. Decisión

Esta es una petición en línea Del Parlamento Europeo..

Esta petición también está disponible en Español. .

La petición está dirigida a: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner refers to a situation in Austria of possible non-compliance with the European Commission Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020. The petitioner complains about a contract for the provision of 3,600 megawatts of power plant capacity involving the Austrian transmission system operator (TSO) Austrian Power Grid (APG). The petitioner believes that the contract and tender were not fully compliant with the Guidelines, nor that the necessary approval was sought from the European Commission, and is concerned that the contract may result in higher end costs to consumers. The petitioner therefore calls for an investigation by the European Commission to verify whether any provisions of the Guidelines should have been applied.

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Detalles de la petición

Petición iniciada: 24/09/2019
La petición termina: 23/09/2020
Región: Unión Europea
Categoría, Tema:

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