
Maple 1 Mosquito Infestation

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
0 supporters

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

0 supporters

The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner

  1. Launched 28/04/2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

1. Immediate removal of all stagnant water to prevent further mosquito breeding.
2. Enhanced and continuous fumigation with effective treatments.
3. A proactive long-term strategy for water management and mosquito control, including regular maintenance and community inspections.


We, the residents of Maple 1 in Dubai Hills, are compelled to address an ongoing mosquito infestation that has now reached critical levels, especially following the recent rainstorm. This issue has persisted for several months, with the green belts and other common areas accumulating stagnant water, thereby creating perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

The current situation poses serious health risks, particularly to children, as mosquitoes are known carriers of diseases. The previous measures, such as periodic fumigation, have proven to be insufficient in mitigating this escalating problem. Furthermore, the lack of immediate actions like water siphoning post-storm reflects a concerning level of complacency regarding this public health threat.

Given the severity and duration of this issue, we urgently request a comprehensive and effective action plan that includes:

1. Immediate removal of all stagnant water to prevent further mosquito breeding.
2. Enhanced and continuous fumigation with effective treatments.
3. A proactive long-term strategy for water management and mosquito control, including regular maintenance and community inspections.

The well-being of Maple 1 residents should be a priority, and we trust that Emaar will undertake prompt and effective measures to address this long-standing issue. We look forward to your immediate response and a detailed action plan.

Residents of Maple 1

Thank you for your support
Question to the initiator

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