36 podpisy
Petícia je adresovaná: European Parliament
Gender-based violence (GBV) is not a women’s issue—it is a human issue, and it affects us all. As men, we have a critical role to play in eliminating this injustice. Too often, the responsibility to fight GBV has been placed solely on women, but real change can only happen when men join the effort.
Join us in this movement. Together, we can be part of the solution.
According to WHO for 2021, 27% of women have experienced domestic violence.
In most cases, the violence comes from someone close to them, either a partner or an immediate family member. Violence and the increasing number of cases of femicides have created an urgent need to support women and raise awareness among men about the phenomenon.
Through the ManUp4Her project and its envisaged activities and deliverables related to gender-based violence we want to make sure that the cultivation of emotional intelligence and understanding of gender differences is promoted, while empowering women and actively involving men in the eradication of this phenomenon.
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Petícia začala:
19. 09. 2024
Petícia končí:
18. 03. 2025
Kraj :
Európska únia
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Prečo ľudia podpíšu
Porque hoy en día los hombres creen que el feminismo es la lucha de las mujeres sobre los hombres y hay que hacerles entender que es la lucha de la igualdad de oportunidades
La igualdad es que todos unidos podamos defendernos, apoyarnos y respetarnos sin discriminación sexual.
Es una realidad que suceden actos de violencia contra las mujeres tanto en la vida privada como en la pública
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