Civil rights

Introduce Transnational Lists for the European Parliament Elections

Petition is directed to
European Commission, European Parliament, European Council
1 supporter

Collection finished

1 supporter

Collection finished

  1. Launched April 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

The approval of the Volt Europa Trans-national Electoral list for the European Parliament
The creation of a Union-wide constituency, comprising the territory of all Member States, in which 28 Members of the European Parliament would be elected through transnational electoral lists in the upcoming European elections (2024). In the Union-wide constituency, a uniform electoral system and procedure would apply:
• Members would be elected through a closed-lists system;
• European political parties, European associations of voters, European electoral coalitions and European coalitions of national parties or associations of voters from at least ¼ of the Member States would be entitled to submit candidacies for the Union-wide constituency;


In 2022, the European Parliament approved the creation of transnational list via a second European vote. 
Damian Boeselager, the Lead Cadidate of Volt Europa was on of the authors of the legislation and the framework of the list.
Member States have to unanimously agree to the proposal. A decision is still outstanding and thus the new rules are not applicable for the 2024 EU elections.
Volt Europa ist the first party to create a Union-wide Transnational list for the European elections  according to the rules proposed by the EP. 

The creation of a pan-European constituency, comprising the whole territory of the European Union (EU), in which a number of Members of the European Parliament would be elected from transnational electoral lists is frequently depicted by its proponents as a way to enhance the European dimension of European elections. The availability of transnational lists could help to focus the electoral campaign on European affairs and strengthen European political parties, which would acquire a central role in European elections by proposing truly European candidates. In addition, transnational list advocates argue that they would improve the quality of democratic representation in the EU and help to create a European 'demos'. 

Thank you for your support, Volt Europa from Town of Vienna
Question to the initiator

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