
Humanity Before Nationality

A petíció benyújtója nem nyilvános
A petíció címzettje
President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

64 Aláírások

A petíciót a petíció benyújtója visszavonta

64 Aláírások

A petíciót a petíció benyújtója visszavonta

  1. Indított 2021
  2. A gyűjtés befejeződött
  3. Benyújtott
  4. Párbeszéd
  5. Sikertelen

A petíció címzettje: President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

It is horrifying and heartbreaking to witness the government's lack of will to find a solution that is beneficial for everyone. Why is this issue causing headaches for these highly educated and overpaid people in the governments, non-profit organizations, and charities? Why is it so difficult to find a simple and helpful solution that ends this broken integration system once and for all? Why are people who have come to Europe to seek safety treated like outcasts? Instead of taking care of these innocent people, they are sent to abandoned buildings outside the city centers or punished like criminals in refugee camps. Asylum seekers and Refugees are treated as if they are terrorists with a disease who should be removed from society, punished, and given life sentences like prisoners.
We have witnessed this horrible humanitarian crisis for over a decade. It is time to make a fundamental change and rescue the refugees from their life in misery. Refugees deserve a life of dignity. Safety and privacy, housing and food, medical and sociological care, and guidance for participating in the legal asylum-seeking process.
When people claim asylum, having left their homes and loved ones to escape conflict and persecution, they are desperate to start their lives from zero again. But the Refugee Law today makes it impossible for them in every possible way. Those who end up in refugee camps suffer as well as those who make it to European countries.
Tents and blankets are not the long-term solutions. It is finally time to REALLY help the helpless. Asylum seekers, refugees, and displaced humans have already lost everything. They shouldn’t be punished. They shouldn’t suffer under horrifying and inhuman conditions in refugee camps or abandoned buildings. Depression, serious health and mental issues, and social isolation are the consequences.
Asylum seekers and refugees are suffering in their adopted countries in European countries because they have no right to proper education, employment, and integration. Depression, serious health and mental issues, and social isolation are the consequences.
Every human being who seeks asylum should have the right to proper education, integration, and work in their adopted country in Europe. Giving asylum seekers and refugees the right to work will strengthen people’s chances of being able to integrate into their new communities. It will allow them to live in dignity and to provide for themselves and their families. It will allow them to use their skills and make the most of their potential. It will improve the mental health of people in the asylum system.
That’s why refugees should be treated with respect. Every single person deserves to experience life in safety and dignity. Every single person should live a safe life in a house and not in a tent or an abandoned asylum house.
Every single refugee deserves to thrive and not just survive! 
I demand the following for Refugees in Refugee Camps
Shut down the refugee camps.
Give the refugees a proper home.
Offer them legal advice in their asylum process.
Offer them health and mental care.
I demand the following for Refugees in European Countries
I demand more rights for asylum seekers and refugees in education, employment, residence, and integration. A regular income and a proper residence permit reduce crime, poverty, sham / forced marriages. Asylum seekers and refugees in European countries should get a faster and more transparent asylum process. 


Humanity Before Nationality! We need to be the voice for the voiceless and end this human tragedy once and for all! “Lily4Refugees” is my passion project. I’m a writer, blogger, and Voice4Refugees. I’m a former war refugee that has suffered for almost three decades under the refugee law that stops asylum seekers and “tolerated” refugees from education and full integration. That’s why I choose “Humanity Before Nationality” as my petition title. All my life I was reduced to one piece of paper, and it made my life a living hell!

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A petíció részletes meghatározása

A petíció elkezdődött: 2021. 08. 01.
A petíció véget ér: 2022. 07. 31.
Terület: Európai Unió
Kategória: Migráció

Ezt a petíciót lefordították a következő nyelvekre


  • Answer from Brussels!

    2022. 07. 26. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

    Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

    I have received an answer from Brussels!!!! You can read the letter on my blog LilyAmis.Blogspot.com here: lilyamis.blogspot.com/2022/07/Brussels.html

    The #HumanityB4Nationality petition may END here on this platform with meaningless and obviously copy/pasted empty words, BUT I have also posted this (in German) on the Swiss petition platform “Act Campax, Make Change happen”.

    This platform has no expiry date! This means if you want, you can sign the petition there as well and inform your family and friends who care about the plight of refugees worldwide and continue to be the voice for the voiceless!

    As you can guess, I'm not accepting this standard letter where they practically repeat and list... további

  • Petition was submitted

    2022. 07. 26. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

    Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

    I have received an answer from Brussels!!!! You can read the letter on my blog LilyAmis.Blogspot.com here: lilyamis.blogspot.com/2022/07/Brussels.html

    The #HumanityB4Nationality petition may END here on this platform with meaningless and obviously copy/pasted empty words, BUT I have also posted this (in German) on the Swiss petition platform “Act Campax, Make Change happen”.

    This platform has no expiry date! This means if you want, you can sign the petition there as well and inform your family and friends who care about the plight of refugees worldwide and continue to be the voice for the voiceless!

    As you can guess, I'm not accepting this standard letter where they practically repeat and list... további

  • EU, why don’t you treat the Refugees like dogs?

    2022. 06. 23. -on,-en,-ön,-án,-én

    Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter,

    As you know from my previous email, last Saturday we finally sent out my petition letter to Missis Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the EU commission in Brussels.

    On our way back home from the post office, we saw a lady walking by with her adorable little dog. I was very curious about the dog’s race and started a conversation. It turned out that the puppy was only five months old. Her owner explained that she had asked a friend who lives in Spain to contact her as soon as her dog was having puppies, so she would fly over and pick up her new baby dog. Nice story, right?

    Well, that’s not the reason why I’m sharing this today! What she said next was mind-blowing! She told us how easy it was to get... további

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Ezt a petíciót lefordították a következő nyelvekre

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