Region: Hellas

For the prohibition of symbols that promote Russian aggression in Greece

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Парламент Грецької Республіки
2 041 Støttende

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2 041 Støttende

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  1. Startet 2022
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We appeal to the Parliament of the Hellenic Republic to ban symbols that promote military aggression, namely the letters "Z" and "V" in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, flags of  "DPR / LPR" pseudo-republics and so-called "Novorossiya", and St. George's ribbons, as some European countries have done already..

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On April 2 in Thessaloniki and on April 3, 2022 in Athens there were races against the so-called "Racism and Russophobia", organized by supporters of the aggressor country.
The above-mentioned rallies were held under the flags of Russia and Greece, as well as using the following symbols:
 ⁃ “Z” and “V” signs, the symbols of Russian bloody invasion of Ukraine;
 ⁃ flags of Donetsk people’s republic, a self-proclaimed republic on Ukrainian territory, recognized only by russia and other territories occupied by russia;
 ⁃ Saint George’s ribbons, an awareness ribbon commemorating the veterans of the Eastern front of the Second World War that became a symbol of russian military forces and used by the Putin’s supporters.
In our opinion, the promotion of Russian authoritarian and aggressive narratives, the promotion of war in the capital of the Hellenic Republic, especially next to the Greek flag, has no place in the cradle of world democracy.
Such actions should not embody the Greek people and their attitude to the Kremlin's aggressive actions and war crimes.
The Russian war against Ukraine, which began in 2014, entered an active phase with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The city of Mariupol, home to more than half a million people and inhabited by ethnic Greeks, is now almost completely destroyed by the Russian army. In Mariupol alone, the number of victims reaches 5,000 and continues to grow.
On April 3, the whole world witnessed another evidence of criminal actions of the Russian government and army in Kyiv, in particular in Bucha and Irpin - the consequences of atrocities, inhumane acts, aggression and genocide of the Ukrainian people by the Russian military, which includes the so-called "russian world/peace". And at a time when mourning events were taking place around the world, a cynical rally sanctioned by the Hellenic Republic was taking place in the center of Athens under the aforementioned propaganda symbols.
We, the Help Ukraine Gr volunteer team and the Ukrainian diaspora in Greece, condemn support for the war and genocide in Ukraine.
Greece should not support murderers, looters, rapists, and terrorists and their symbols.

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