
A permanent solution to the persistent light outage on our campus

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Petitie is gericht aan
The Student Union Government
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De petitie is ingetrokken door de indiener

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De petitie is ingetrokken door de indiener

  1. Begonnen 3-5-2024
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Mislukt

We the students of Enugu State University of science and Technology are struggling to shine in the dark. For far too long, our campus has been plagued by a severe light outage, leaving us to navigate treacherous paths, struggle to study, and risk our safety to charge our phones.

We're not just talking about a minor inconvenience; we're talking about a fundamental right to education and safety. Without reliable lighting, our academic performance suffers, and our well-being is put at risk. The constant search for alternative charging spots has led to injuries and theft, adding to our distress.

We're a community of dedicated students, passionate about learning and growth. But how can we thrive in the dark? We need your help to #LightUpOurFuture and restore the light that will guide us towards success.


I want to ensure that my efforts as the Chairman on power and electricity committee of this great institute, University of Science and Technology are successful in bringing about a positive change for the students and University community.

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