11/22/2021, 14:19
Moltes gràcies a tots! Gràcies a tots vosaltres hem aconseguit que l'Ajuntament no recorri al Suprem. Ara bé, ara les asseguradores no volen pagar, per tant, en certa manera hem tornat al principi. Així, doncs, encara queden molts judicis per endavant.
Nació Digital ho explica: "Tot i aquesta victòria, des del punt de vista econòmic [poder cobrar les indemnitzacions] estem on estàvem al principi. El cas VicVerd està, doncs, lluny de tancar-se."
Aquí podeu llegir la notícia:
Per tant, el calvari continua.
Thank you very much! Thanks to all of you we have managed to stop the City Council from going to the Supreme Court. However, now the insurers do not want to pay, therefore, in a way we are back to square one. So, therefore, there are still many lawsuits ahead.
Nació Digital explains: "Despite this victory, from the economic point of view [to be able to collect compensation] we are back to where we were at the beginning. The VicVerd case is, therefore, far from being closed".
Here you can read the news:
Therefore, the process still continues.