Buitenlands beleid

#letsstopawar - stop delivery of arms - demarche -Keep the EU a peace project!

Petitie is gericht aan
European Committee

288 handtekeningen

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

288 handtekeningen

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

  1. Begonnen 2022
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Overdracht voorbereiden
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

03-08-2023 21:28

According to the Bundeswehr website, Germany will provide around 16,700 soldiers by the end of 2024.
within the framework of the NATO Response Force.
Until the end of 2023, these are assigned to the maximum readiness level (deployment capability 7 days).

The spread of HIV infection is among the biggest concerns of sex workers.
(due to disrupted supply chains) there are fewer condoms available.
2022 over 40 Ukrainian HIV treatment centers had to cease operations
nearly 50% due to grenade damages.
According to reports of the prostitutes themselves, labor prices dropped from $12 per hour to $6-7.
Often clients of sex workers dont want to pay the agreed amount and the women are raped, robbed or beaten.

Neue Begründung:

Over the last two decades, the E.U. has repeatedly been known as a peace project.

The E.U. is threatening to collapse and slide into war!

Is violating the own codex clever?

The purpose of this petition is to give citizens in E.U. living all over the world the opportunity to stop the current situation and to remind the Commission that the member states have committed themselves to maintain and maybe even embrace peace!

But there's more to take into account before to decide what is right and what is wrong:

According to the Bundeswehr website, Germany will provide around 16,700 soldiers by the end of 2024.

within the framework of the NATO Response Force. 

Until the end of 2023, these are assigned to the maximum readiness level (deployment capability 7 days).

The spread of HIV infection is among the biggest concerns of sex workers.

(due to disrupted supply chains) there are fewer condoms available.

2022 over 40 Ukrainian HIV treatment centers had to cease operations

nearly 50% due to grenade damages.

According to reports of the prostitutes themselves, labor prices dropped from $12 per hour to $6-7. 

Often clients of sex workers dont want to pay the agreed amount and the women are raped, robbed or beaten.

Corruption also is a big problem unluckily in the mentioned states(UA aswell as RU).

E.g. , the NGO "Transparency International" pointed out recently:

Transparency International ranked Ukraine 116th out of 180 countries in terms of corruption, Russia was ranked 137th out of 180 countries countries.

Not only Germany with Chancellor Scholz and the ex-war minister Ursula von der Leyen (now President of the EU Commission) is affected.

The neutral Austrian government decided to provice the government in Kyiv with 570 million € worth of humanitarian aid alone in 2022.

Great Britain, former EU-member state is delivering uranium rounds to UA as part of an aid package.

Armor piercing weapons containing depleted uranium – bombs or grenades are weapons that are still accessible in various countries of the world, despite the questions about the legality of their use in past war /war like conflicts e. g. In former Yugoslavia.

Its also very odd what indictment was particularly used for the arrest warrant of the ICC against representatives of Russian government "Children's Rights Commissioner" for the President of Russia, and the "President of Russia" himself.

Because they are not related the infamous Bucha massacres.

We want to know why the EU is investigating at such a slow pace what exactly the circumstances of the war crimes in Bucha where.

It hardly played any role for the arrest warrant and also some people find it to be unfair to not hear the Russian

point of view since Russian media had been banned in the EU in March 2022.

If there have been war crimes they must be investigated regardless from which side that committed them.

Not to forget that the entire EU has suspended the SWIFT agreement for Russia, which means that anyone who wants to transfer money between an EU state and Russia (or vice versa) (with relatives) must now switch to cryptocurrencies due to the EU sanctions and US payment service providers and banks that approve of this.

Currently only a hand full of European Union member states are not sending any weapons directly to RU or UA.

We are standing at the abyss, with death and misery below us!

We are NOT affiliated to any political organization thus independant human beings that just want peace!

Never before has the support for war in every single state of the European Union on the part of governments and the mainstream media been so numerous as this time! How do you see it? #letsstopawar .














(written in croatian language) www.geopolitika.news/analize/m-seric-prostitucija-nezeljeni-brend-suvremene-ukrajine/

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 256

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