Ratujmy pszczoły i rolników! W kierunku przyjaznego dla pszczół rolnictwa służącego zdrowemu środowisku

Petition is directed to
Komisja Europejska
291,452 supporters 291,452 in European Union

Collection finished

291,452 supporters 291,452 in European Union

Collection finished

  1. Launched 2019
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

This is an European Citizens' Initiative.



Warum ist die Initiative unterstützenswert?

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Szukam mężczyzny na namiętne spotkania. Mam 24 lat i zgrabne ciało, moje nagie zdjęcia i kontakt na stronie: https://erooo.pl/spla/ Wyszukaj mnie po niku: Marikax2 napisz do mnie lub zadzwoń o każdej porze, odpisuje zazwyczaj do 5 minut, czekam.



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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.


Was spricht gegen diese Initiative?

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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By publishing my post, I accept the terms of use and privacy policy from openPetition. Insults, defamations and untrue statements of fact are reported.

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