Parlamento rūmų nuotrauka

Should the EU move towards more mutual solidarity?

171 pasibaigęs susirinkimas
1 615 dalyvių

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The effects of the corona crisis on health and the economy are unprecedented. In the course of its development, the different perceptions and needs of the EU countries have become clear and painful memories of the financial crisis have been reawak-ened. At the same time, political decisions of hitherto unknown magnitude have been taken, illustrating the extent of the political room for manoeuvre. It raises the question what significance solidarity should have in the EU?

Daliniai klausimai

1. Should wealthy EU Member States provide more economic support to Member States that are particularly hard hit by crises?

Fone: Both the financial crisis from 2007 onwards and the corona pandemic have hit and continue to hit some EU countries particularly hard and these countries have less means of getting their economies back on track through financial stimuli. In the event of a crisis, the EU could support these countries in finding a way out of the crisis.

The single market and the common currency means that creditor/donor countries, especially the strongest exporting countries, also benefit from the provision of support to se-verely affected economies since this stimulates demand.

Financial support is a signal of solidarity and mutual trust. Both are important prerequisites for effective cooperation between the EU community of states, for example, when dealing with global players such as China or the USA.

Financial solidarity strengthens the belief in the EU in affect-ed populations. In this way, efforts to leave the EU are avoided.


The economic weakness of some EU countries is primarily a result of their own financial and fiscal policies. Financial support from other countries undermines necessary structural reforms.

The support of economies of other countries cannot be ex-plained to one’s own population. This strengthens Eurosceptic initiatives.

It is impossible for governments and experts to distribute funds as efficiently as the free market does. EU financial in-terventions in national economies therefore restrict growth.

Papildymai iš susitikimų

Ensure inclusiveness - every village in the EU (not only big cities) should see benefits of the EU and its actions. We need to make the EU more local (i.e. ppl who do not travel do not find EU passports or roaming appealing enough), extend exchanges to 'every EU citizen one week EU trip' to explore neighbour country and face diversity or cultural fears, Make EU Single Market great again. In summary more sophisticated and targeted EU awareness campaign - also linking money with values so that EU does not equals money only to citizens.

Those member states that already received financial support following the 2007 crisis could be mismanging funds and member states cannot be forced to change their fiscal policy, while donating states cannot be guaranteed in which way financial aid is being distributed within a country.


2. Should the EU invest more in social policy measures to tackle social inequality between the Member States?

Fone: While in the past the differing standards of living in the countries of the EU were moving closer together, this trend has reversed since the financial crisis of 2007. Even when taking differences in the cost of living into account, large sections of the population in various EU countries are still in a very weak social position. As a result, there is a growing gap between the north and south of the EU as well as between the west and east with regard to social security. Examples of social policy measures include protection against unemployment, loss of housing, poverty in old age and health.

If all EU citizens have similar social security coverage, the sense of community and a European identity will be strengthened. This creates support for future shared pro-jects.

Social and societal progress are fundamental values of our European society and democracy ("EU’s promise of pros-perity").

High standards of living and socially desirable prospects in each Member State reduce poverty-related migration within the EU.


Given the different social security systems and cultural back-grounds among the EU Member States, a centrally controlled social policy can only fail.

The same social security for all EU citizens would consume large sums of money which would then no longer be available for other investments for the future such as environmental protection, digitization or education.

Even within individual EU countries, an ever widening prosperi-ty gap has emerged in recent decades. It must therefore be the task of the States to protect their own populations against the risk of poverty.

Papildymai iš susitikimų

EU should eventually become one, convergent social single market but it requires wider reform including pan-European taxes. No taxation without representation.

It is unrealistic to have the same living standards across such culturally and financially diverse nations - the same system would lead to communism.


3. Should the EU, in the interest of future generations, primarily focus on environmentally friend-ly innovation and jobs?

Fone: We are heading for severe global warming well above the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement. Uncontrolled climate change would lead, among other things, to extreme weather conditions and thus to deaths and further migration movements. The less developed countries and future generations would suffer as a result. To combat the corona crisis, the EU is investing an unprece-dented amount of money and could thus give the "Green Deal" a significant boost.

It is better to change course today than tomorrow. If we con-tinue to delay fundamental reforms to avert the climate crisis, negative consequences for the Earth, societies and democ-racy will become ever greater- as will the costs of transfor-mation.

To overcome the economic corona crisis, the EU is taking on large debts that will have to be repaid over decades. There-fore, all EU investments should be sustainable, both eco-nomically and ecologically.

The Corona crisis shows that change becomes possible when it is necessary. Europe is currently experiencing a turnaround. This historic opportunity for modernisation must not be wasted.


If subsidies are withdrawn from CO2-intensive industries, many jobs and prosperity are under threat, especially during and after the current crisis.

Many wealthy countries have increased their prosperity with the help of fossil energy sources. Countries whose economies have a lot of catching up to do cannot be expected to abandon this in favour of a costly reconstruction of their systems.

The energy turnaround is a lengthy process. In order for it to be successful, we must remain competitive. Therefore, the transition must be made gradually.

Papildymai iš susitikimų

The EU has a unique chance to regain its global leadership with its Green agenda (other countries start following us so let's keep the momentum). Fit for purpose regulation and financing should follow.

Such projects could lead to loss of employment and high retraining costs, including big investments required for changes in higher education.


Įspūdžiai iš rūmų parlamentų


Should the EU move towards more mutual solidarity?

171 Balsai

Sutikimai 166

Atmetimai 4

Susilaikė 1

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į rezultatus

1. Should wealthy EU Member States provide more economic support to Member States that are particularly hard hit by crises?

Balsavimo rezultatus sudaro 945 įvestų rezultatų.

Tendencija (mediana)




2. Should the EU invest more in social policy measures to tackle social inequality between the Member States?

Balsavimo rezultatus sudaro 933 įvestų rezultatų.

Tendencija (mediana)




3. Should the EU, in the interest of future generations, primarily focus on environmentally friend-ly innovation and jobs?

Balsavimo rezultatus sudaro 932 įvestų rezultatų.

Tendencija (mediana)




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