Successful petition in 6 steps

Argue clearly why something needs to be changed and to which decision-making person(s) you are addressing your petition. Use your personal story to explain why the cause is important to you and others. Pictures and videos also help to make your concerns clear.
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The hot phase begins: Spread your initiative via social media channels such as Facebook and X as well as via WhatsApp and email. Topically relevant Facebook groups or forums are also particularly helpful. Signatures can also be collected offline and then uploaded to the online petition.
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The more signatures, the greater the political weight of your petition - so stay tuned! Plan online campaigns with your supporters, such as video and image campaigns, an campaign on X with an individual hashtag or offline campaigns such as a demonstration. To do this, contact decision-makers, your supporters and also try celebrities and influencers - it's worth it!
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Media reporting brings your concerns even more into the public eye: contact journalists via X and email and ask for coverage of your petition. We are available to provide advice and support when it comes to press releases!
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Contact the person making the decision and ask for a personal meeting for the handover. If no appointment can be made, contact the person making the decision together with your supporters via X, email, or letter. If you have reached the quorum, we will request statements from the decisive parliament for you and publish them on your petition page.
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The collection goal has been reached - now you should submit your petition! Do you even have an appointment for a personal handover? Inform your supporters and send invitations to the press. With a high-profile poster and signatures in hand, hand over your petition – take photos and videos and post them on social media. This shows your commitment and your concern remains in the public eye.
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With just a few clicks you can start an online petition here and bring about change - now it's your turn:

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