
Save Ruff Day Coffee at Howth Junction Donaghmede Train Station

Petition is directed to
Dublin City Council
293 supporters
59% achieved 500 for collection target
293 supporters
59% achieved 500 for collection target
  1. Launched 27/05/2024
  2. Time remaining > 7 weeks
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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We want Dublin City Council to allow Ruff Day Coffee to continue trading at Howth Junction Train Station Donaghmede.


This service is something extremely important to both the owners of Ruff Day and the locals of Dublin 13 who have come to love the addition that this made to the area, to the commuters of Howth Junction and other small businesses in the area in which supplied Ruff Day who are now also affected.

The outreach Ruff Day has received from not being opened has been massive and its very clear this is something which affects so many in the area.

Thank you for your support, Ruff Day from Dublin
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